Registered by knarf

Not everybody has the money to buy a new machine every few years. Some people just don't see the need to replace perfectly functioning hardware just to be able to run the latest and greatest. "OK, but then just don't run the latest and greatest" you say? That is of course an option but it is not ideal in many ways. It should also not be necessary which is why this project was started.

Aim: to reduce resource consumption of the base install of one or more Ubuntu flavours.

Who can participate: anyone who has the required knowledge and experience to identify and resolve resource hogs in the base install.

How: contributors can 'adopt' a program, range of programs or package. This adoption is not exclusive, more than one contributor can work on a single program. Three months before release we try to combine the efforts of all contributors.

Timeline: starting NOW

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Other/Open Source
(The work will be released under the same license(s) as the original programs.)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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