holland-backup 1.1.0a2 "amsterdam"

Milestone information

Code name:
Andrew Garner
Release registered:
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9 Andrew Garner, 1 Andrew Garner, 2 BJ Dierkes
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
12 Fix Released

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Release notes 

This is the second alpha release in the holland 1.1 series.


View the full changelog

1.1.0a2 - May 21, 2011
- Updated debian and rpm packages

- Documentation added for all plugins (Thanks to m00dawg)

- Fixed a divide by zero error in space estimation when an estimation method
  estimated zero bytes for the backup size. Fixes LP#782807 (Thanks to derks)
- Fixed some tracebacks that could be generated by the config package due to
  incorrectly tracking the source location of a config option.
- Added a "noop" backup plugin that does nothing at all. This is used for
  testing holland internals but may have other uses in the future.
- Backup times are now compared via a .timestamp file in the backup directory
  rather than solely relying on the main parent directory timestamp

- Fixed a bug where holland.conf validation errors were not being caught and
  resulted in an ugly stack trace
- holland.cli no longer uses python's logging directly for command stderr/out
  Fixes LP#782871
- Fixed a bug in holland backup --skip-hooks where hooks were not being skipped

- Added new "delphini" plugin to provide basic support for aggregating native
  mysql cluster backups

- Fixed bug in correctly detecting lock method when using file-per-database
- Added transactional-{engines,databases,tables}-override parameter. This
  allows fine-tuning the mysqldump plugin's --single-transaction test.
- Added lockless-only option to abort a backup if mysqldump would use a
  lock method that would explicitly lock any tables.
- Fixed a bug where the mysqldump plugin sometimes tried to double encode
  unicode tablenames before passing to the mysqldump command.

- Cleaned up several cases where early holland 1.1 apis were still being used
  even though the API had changed

- Added new script backup plugin to allow running arbitrary commands during a backup.

- Updated the example "random" plugin to work with the holland 1.1 backup api
- Use /dev/urandom rather than /dev/random to avoid blocking (Thanks to derks)
- Added tests (Thanks to derks)

- Updated the sqlite plugin to work with the holland 1.1 backup api
  (Thanks to derks)
- Added tests (Thanks to derks)

0 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
768522 #768522 builds_debs.py busted in 1.1 branch 3 High Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
670192 #670192 Specify engines to be treated as transactional 4 Medium Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
753084 #753084 ValueError in tests.core.test_util.test_diskfree 4 Medium Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
753084 #753084 ValueError in tests.core.test_util.test_diskfree 4 Medium Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
766688 #766688 Same backupset per database lock-method 4 Medium Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
782807 #782807 Uncaught exception "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero" 4 Medium BJ Dierkes  10 Fix Released
782807 #782807 Uncaught exception "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero" 4 Medium BJ Dierkes  10 Fix Released
766676 #766676 Require lockless backup 5 Low Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
782867 #782867 random plugin busted in 1.1 5 Low Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
782871 #782871 Holland command-line reference looks odd (1.1) 5 Low Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
753070 #753070 mkvirtenv.py issues - holland-test config not parsed 1 Undecided Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
753070 #753070 mkvirtenv.py issues - holland-test config not parsed 1 Undecided Andrew Garner  10 Fix Released
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