igraph 0.7

Whatever comes after 0.6

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
25 Gábor Csárdi, 5 Tamás Nepusz
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
4 New, 25 Confirmed, 1 Triaged, 7 In Progress, 9 Fix Committed, 4 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 50 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
408521 #408521 Check functions for integer overflow 3 High   0 New
1143524 #1143524 personalized pagerank gives weird results 3 High   0 New
289890 #289890 Clique percolation 5 Low   0 New
1004969 #1004969 Recompute modularity 6 Wishlist   0 New
303099 #303099 Validate ARPACK result 3 High   6 Confirmed
664462 #664462 Range checking for VECTOR() and MATRIX() 3 High   6 Confirmed
1012434 #1012434 R: better support for complex attributes 3 High Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1025828 #1025828 R: return vertex names instead of vertex ids 3 High Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
303100 #303100 R: Modify the order in which the vertices are drawn 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
353636 #353636 GML reader/writer should support composite attributes 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
416137 #416137 Support graph attributes in GML reader/writer. 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
435155 #435155 Jaccard and Dice similarity functions should accept a from_vs and a to_vs instead of just a single vs 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
505109 #505109 Add a function counterpart to every macro 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
530802 #530802 R: support better positioning of edge labels 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
583241 #583241 Better argument checks 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
594581 #594581 Bipartite modularity 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
651928 #651928 Finish the s-t cut lister algorithms 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1016230 #1016230 igraph_hrg_fit does not use 'start' argument 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1039176 #1039176 R: assigning to complex attributes does not work as expected 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1132669 #1132669 use IPython for plotting 4 Medium Tamás Nepusz  6 Confirmed
1147065 #1147065 Bipartite projection should drop the 'type' attibute 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1170016 #1170016 Inconsistency of return types for vertex methods (constraint, closeness, etc.) and misleading docstrings 4 Medium Tamás Nepusz  6 Confirmed
1013231 #1013231 Eliminate all gcc warnings 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1047564 #1047564 R: support more flexible curved edges 5 Low Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1003069 #1003069 Arbitrary null models in community finding algorithms 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
1005068 #1005068 Support vertex shapes in tkplot 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
1008830 #1008830 Fix test cases on 32-bit ubuntu 1 Undecided   6 Confirmed
1132837 #1132837 is.chordal craches 1 Undecided Gábor Csárdi  6 Confirmed
1154105 #1154105 Reingold-Tilford layout broken in R? 1 Undecided   6 Confirmed
918138 #918138 Graph.write_graphml does not store tuple attributes in python-igraph 0.6 4 Medium Tamás Nepusz  7 Triaged
284380 #284380 Union, intersection, etc. (?) based on an attribute 3 High Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
289924 #289924 Support bipartite networks 3 High Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
362517 #362517 Centralization, a'la Freeman 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
920681 #920681 'predecessors' argument to igraph_get_shortest_paths[_dijkstra] 4 Medium   8 In Progress
1044984 #1044984 Bipartite layout algorithms 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
1052213 #1052213 VF2 graph isomorphism takes very long or is stuck 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
1096617 #1096617 Centrality and multiple and loop edges 1 Undecided Gábor Csárdi  8 In Progress
1155254 #1155254 R: Deleting edges fails silently 3 High Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1167891 #1167891 is.chordal crashes under Linux in some R versions 3 High Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1168894 #1168894 crash in bipartite.projection 3 High Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1172838 #1172838 triad census 003 value is NaN 3 High Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1159053 #1159053 Compilation fails with gcc 4.1.2 on CentOS 5.9 4 Medium Tamás Nepusz  9 Fix Committed
1168270 #1168270 numpy int64 cannot be used for indexing VertexSeq 4 Medium Tamás Nepusz  9 Fix Committed
1132289 #1132289 Compiling error on Mac OS X with macports 5 Low Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1157217 #1157217 ICC compilation issues 5 Low Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
1162208 #1162208 R: give access to the canvas in tkplot 5 Low Gábor Csárdi  9 Fix Committed
361047 #361047 Support signed networks in the Pajek reader 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  10 Fix Released
914258 #914258 Support weights in leading eigenvector community detection 4 Medium Gábor Csárdi  10 Fix Released
1008756 #1008756 R: make it possible to run individual test cases 5 Low Gábor Csárdi  10 Fix Released
1034435 #1034435 Put the LAD subgraph isomorphism algorithm in igraph 6 Wishlist Gábor Csárdi  10 Fix Released
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