Registered by Martin Schmuck

Java Chess Round Robin Tournament Management

Manage chess round robin tournaments with JKlubTV
This application stores the data belonging to round robin into a SQLite database. It is intended for webmasters who want to easily manage a club tournament in their own chess club. The HTML tables that are to be published for the website will be created easily by the application. Automatically calculate the total points, Sonneborn Berger points of each player, as well as their sequence DWZ, and sorts the HTML table by the calculated Rangliste.Desweiteren it is possible the tables as to save PDF file.
The software is free (Opensource).
- can access the DFB player database
- the tables can export into HTML, PDF or Excel format
- expects the result from DWZ
- counted the points and the Sonneborn Berger figures
- automatically sorts the crosstab after ranking

Project information

Martin Schmuck
Martin Schmuck

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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