Registered by Georg Eckert

Aims to bring a most beautiful and consistent icon theme to your xfce, gnome, kde, lxde or unity desktop. I hope you enjoy my artwork :)


Hello, I am happy, that you found my Icon-Theme. I put lots of work into it. It's still far from perfect, but made great progress during the last year. I know, nowadays people like flat, tile-like icons with consistent looks. Consistency really matters, but I just wanted to create a beautiful icon theme which meets the criteria of being consistent, but still giving you unique beauty with great detail for your desktop. I hope you like it, as much as I do and don't hesitate to comment, if you have any problems with it ;)

Please take that one second to vote up, if you like my work :)

Go to all the artists out there, who inspired me with their beautiful works. Especially the creator of the Faenza and Faience Icon Themes, who brought us a new level of beauty on the linux desktop.
I also loved the Human Folder Icons in Ubuntu Jaunty and never understood, why they changed them.

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Georg Eckert
Georg Eckert
Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike, Other/Open Source
This project’s licence has not been reviewed.

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