Registered by Jonathan Steinbeck

Kohi is an object-oriented PHP framework. At it's core it is a module system that is extensible through plugins (without 'hooks' like in most PHP scripts). Kohi aims to be light-weight, easy-to-learn and does not want to stand in your way while helping you with common tasks - a framework for non-framework folks. Currently Kohi is still in an early alpha state and it is not recommended for live projects yet.

(Planned) features for version 0.1 final:
- modules and plugin system
- support for multi-lingual templates and scripts
- clean URLs with and without mod_rewrite
- storage system
- database abtraction layer
- user management
- model management
- easy package management
- integrated full-page cache

Project information

Jonathan Steinbeck
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Version control system:
Programming languages:
PHP, JSON / Javascript

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