Registered by Anders Steinlein

Kolibri is a lightweight, flexible web application framework written in PHP 5. Kolibri's focus is on providing you with the tools to customize the framework to your liking -- from its custom URI mapper and plug-in-based core architecture, to the view technology of your choice. Kolibri flies either way.

Kolibri is new as an open source project, but has been under active development for a couple of years. It is already used in several production applications. We welcome any and all contributions, so please join our mailing list by signing up at:

- Fully Object-Oriented
- Minimal configuration
- Very lightweight and easily customizable
- Clean URIs and customizable URI to action mapper
- Flexible validation framework
- Dynamic class loading
- View technology freedom: XSL, Smarty or pure PHP
- Automated form generation (with XSL views)
- Easy testing of applications through PHPSpec
- Database abstraction layer
- No ORM (yes, it's a feature), instead:
- SQL-to-Object Framework (SOFA)

Introduction and quick start guide:
Quick overview of framework flow:
Compared to other frameworks:

To check out the code, including an example application and getting started guide, you need the Bazaar version control system. Then execute the following command: bzr branch lp:kolibri
You can also browse the code online:

Project information

Kolibri Dev
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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