Registered by Henning Prömpers

Tool to control oeconomic experiments on your laboratory running zTree as "real" experimenter software, labcontrol controls everything around e.g. starting / stopping clients, create receipts, monitor the experiment...

We started the project in 2008 at the chair of empirical and experimental economics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena because the former used bash-scripts were working but were not very user friendly. During the last years we included most of the tasks we need during lab maintation and conducting experiments.
However, as we use a lot of free software ourself it was self-evident that we publish our tool as free software, even if -due to the history- a few comments are still in German and some code is a quite quick-and-dirty. Due to personnel raising and the need of a collaboration tool we now migrate from a single folder and the former homepage ( to launchpad.

Hopefully you find our tool useful, if you need some help or want to join the development feel free to contact us.
In all cases we would be happy for any feedback or references.

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labcontrol2.0 series is the current focus of development.

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C, GTK-3

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