larry 0.2 "avocado"


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17 kwgoodman
9 Unknown, 4 Implemented
18 Fix Released

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la 0.2 (avocado)

*Release date: 2010-04-27*

New larry methods
- lix : Index into a larry using labels or index numbers or both
- swapaxes : Swap the two specified axes
- sortaxis : Sort data (and label) according to label along specified axis
- flipaxis : Reverse the order of the elements along the specified axis
- tocsv : Save larry to a csv file
- fromcsv : Load a larry from a csv file
- insertaxis : Insert a new axis at the specified position
- invert : Element by element inverting of True to False and False to True

- All larry methods can now take nd input arrays (some previously 2d only)
- Added ability to save larrys with labels to HDF5
- New function (panel) to convert larry of shape (n, m, k) to shape (m*k, n)
- Expanded documentation
- Over 280 new unit tests; testing easier with new assert_larry_equal function

Bug fixes
- #517912: larry([]) == larry([]) raised IndexError
- #518096: larry.fromdict failed due to missing import
- #518106: la.larry.fromdict({}) failed
- #518114: fromlist([]) and fromtuples([]) failed
- #518135: keep_label crashed when there was nothing to keep
- #518210: sum, std, var returned NaN for empty larrys; now return 0.0
- #518215: unflatten crashed on an empty larry
- #518442: sum, std, var returned NaN for shapes that contain zero: (2, 0, 3)
- #568175: larry.std(axis=-1) and var crashed on negative axis input
- #569622: Negative axis input gave wrong output for several larry methods


This release does not have a changelog.

13 blueprints and 18 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Make all larry methods able to handle arbitrary dimensional (nd) input Make all larry methods able to handle arbitrary dimensional (nd) input 4 High   11 Implemented
Add optional window input to demean, demedian, zscore Add optional window input to demean, demedian, zscore 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Add support for Ellipsis in larry.__getitem__ Add support for Ellipsis in larry.__getitem__ 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Add unit tests for ranking of bool and int larrys Add unit tests for ranking of bool and int larrys 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Add unit tests for setitem in lara. Add unit tests for setitem in lara. 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Create add and subtract function that behave differently from + and - Create add and subtract function that behave differently from + and - 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Extend group methods to optionally allow a group that doesn't need to broadcast Extend group methods to optionally allow a group that doesn't need to broadcast 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
The binary opperators & and | need unit tests The binary opperators & and | need unit tests 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Add ability to index by label Add ability to index by label 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Add ~ (__invert__) so that ~larry works Add ~ (__invert__) so that ~larry works 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Create a larry specific assert function to simplify unit testing Create a larry specific assert function to simplify unit testing 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Add ability for movingsum_forward to work with nd array Add ability for movingsum_forward to work with nd array 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Add "See also" sections where needed in Add "See also" sections where needed in 1 Undefined   0 Unknown
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
517912 #517912 larry([]) == larry([]) raises IndexError 3 High kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518096 #518096 larry.fromdict fails due to missing import 3 High kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518106 #518106 la.larry.fromdict({}) fails 3 High kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518114 #518114 fromlist([]) and fromtuples([]) fail 3 High kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
569622 #569622 Negative axis input gives wrong output 3 High kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518135 #518135 larry.keep_label crashes when there is nothing to keep 4 Medium kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518210 #518210 sum, std, var return NaN for empty larrys 4 Medium kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518215 #518215 unflatten crashes on an empty larry 4 Medium kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
517363 #517363 [add] tocsv/fromcsv or savecsv/loadcsv 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
518442 #518442 la.larry(np.ones((2,0,3))).sum() returns NaN 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
519639 #519639 [add] tocsv, fromcsv 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
520023 #520023 [add] sortaxis method 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
520144 #520144 [add] flipaxis 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
537014 #537014 [add] Archive larrys with as labels 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
568175 #568175 larry.std(axis=-1) crashes on negative axes 5 Low kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
514870 #514870 [add] swapaxis method 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
517812 #517812 [add] panel function 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
519084 #519084 [add] addaxis method 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  10 Fix Released
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