larry 0.3 "banana"


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1 joep, 13 kwgoodman
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1 Confirmed, 13 Fix Committed

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Release notes 

la 0.3 (banana)

*Release date: 2010-06-04*

New larry methods
- astype: Copy of larry cast to specified type
- geometric_mean: new method based on existing array function

New functions
- la.util.resample.cross_validation: k-fold cross validation index iterator
- la.util.resample.bootstrap: bootstrap index iterator
- la.util.misc.listmap: O(n) version of map(list1.index, list2)
- la/src/clistmap.pyx: Cython version of listmap with python fallback

- Major performance boost in most larry methods!
- You can now use an optional dtype when creating larrys
- You can now optionally skip the integrity test when creating a new larry
- Add ability to compare (==, >, !=, etc) larrys with lists and tuples
- Documentation and unit tests

Breakage from la 0.2
- lastrank and lastrank_decay methods combined into one method: lastrank
- Given shape (n,m) input, lastrank now returns shape (n,) instead of (n,1)
- geometric_mean now reduces input in the same way as lastrank (see above)

Bug fixes
- #571813 Three larry methods crashed on 1d input
- #571737 skiprows missing from parameters section of the fromcsv doc string
- #571899 label indexing fails when larry is 3d and index is a tuple of len 2
- #571830 prod, cumprod, and cumsum did not return NaN for all-NaN input
- #572638 lastrank chokes on input with a shape tuple that contains zero
- #573240 Reduce methods give wrong output with shapes that contain zero
- #582579 la.afunc.nans: wrong output for str and object dtype
- #583596 assert_larry_equal crashed when comparing float larry to str larry
- #585694 cumsum and cumprod crashed on dtype=int

For further details see the change log in la/ChangeLog.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 14 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
581755 #581755 Assignment with lix 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  6 Confirmed
571813 #571813 Some larry methods choke on 1d input 3 High joep  9 Fix Committed
571899 #571899 Bug in lix (label indexing) 4 Medium kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
566833 #566833 la.afunc.geometric_mean gives 2d output from 2d input 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
571737 #571737 docstring, missing skiprow description for fromcsv 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
571830 #571830 A larry of all NaNs does not return NaN for some methods 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
572533 #572533 lastrank should reduce input to shape (n,) 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
572638 #572638 lastrank chokes on input shape tuples containing 0 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
573240 #573240 Reduce methods give wrong output with shapes that contain 0 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
583596 #583596 Comparing larry of dtype str to dtype float crashes assert_larry_equal 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
585694 #585694 cumsum and cumprod crash on dtype=int 5 Low kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
575892 #575892 Make larry method out of exisiting geometric_mean 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
582579 #582579 la.afunc.nans: wrong output for str and object dtype 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
583992 #583992 Add ability to compare larry with list and tuples 6 Wishlist kwgoodman  9 Fix Committed
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