lava-kernel-ci-views 2012.01

Milestone information

Paul Larson
Release registered:
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3 Michael Hudson-Doyle
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3 Fix Released

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download icon lava-kernel-ci-views-0.3.3-2012.01.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source release 50
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Total downloads: 50

Release notes 

Version 0.3.3(Milestone 2012.01)

 * First version to have docs on
 * link to the source and a shortlog when the metadata is available


View the full changelog

2012-01-19 Paul Larson <email address hidden>


2012-01-19 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bare bones sphinx documentation

2012-01-19 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 ignore build dir

2012-01-19 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 extremely basic sphinx stuff

2012-01-13 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 link to the source and a shortlog when the metadata is available

2012-01-13 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 add some comments

2012-01-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 time related tweaks to get a shortlog on oldest entry on a page

2012-01-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 fix 904078 and the display of how many trees are built in a day

2012-01-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 show short log to previous commit (does not work for last row displayed though :/)

2012-01-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 basic display of gitweb url

2011-12-06 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.3.2

2011-12-06 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add requirement on versiontools

2011-10-28 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Make executable

2011-10-20 Paul Larson <email address hidden>

 release 0.3.1

2011-10-20 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make extension appear in global nav bar

2011-10-19 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make the CI view appear in the global nav bar

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bump version

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 try to be a bit useful in the test box

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bye bye yui3

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start moving over to jQuery

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 remove templatetag again

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 delete almost all the js

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 even more feature parity

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 more feature parity

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 finish width calculations

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 add cell-like formatting, hard coded width for now

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 define a balance templatetag -- a bit of an annoying process!

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 finish rendering (i think) apart from width setting

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 push server-side rendering in a level or two more

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to move rendering to server side

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 revert previous change

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 display a line between trees; only works in ff though so will revert

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 kill tree expander gunk

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 only display the url for each tree at the top

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 display all trees on all days, even if there was no build for a tree on a day

2011-10-17 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make the oneline the title of the commit cell if it is available

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bump version _again_ (argh)

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bump version _again_; fix version in

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bump version

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 compatibility with older psycopg

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 kill some prints

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 more stuff in

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 packaging turds

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 bump version

2011-10-12 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 return None for extension name, to go with my lava-server change

2011-10-10 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 update the tree/build/test counts on showing/hiding of trees/builds/tests

2011-10-10 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 give a margin-top to make days without builds display less poorly

2011-10-10 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 display a day even if there is no data in it

2011-10-10 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 remove some cruft

2011-10-05 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 kill some old code, add working newer/older links

2011-10-05 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 move code out of the view method into DayCollection. i hope this is an improvement...

2011-10-05 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 use namedtuple rather than my dictify thing

2011-10-05 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to limit the builds shown by time

2011-10-05 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 show git describe output if available

2011-10-03 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to track new passes/fails better but ... data model problems

2011-10-03 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to track test state transitions

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 allow show/hiding trees

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 show +/- counts more nicely

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 show pass/fail number differences nicely

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 fix ridiculous bug in prev computation & start to display prev changes

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 compute prevs for tests

2011-09-29 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 add parent links to day/tree/commit/... tree structure

2011-09-28 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 link test runs and builds to the result bundles

2011-09-28 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 compute prev more correctly

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to link builds with their previous builds but not quite correctly yet

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 impose some consistency on order

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 stupid mistake that regarded all test results as successful :/

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start adding test result data to view

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 a few little things:
 * better rounding of corners
 * summarize days
 * fix show/hide margin adjustment

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make hiding work nicely (and use a hack to guess board class)

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 move margin css magic into css, not js

2011-09-27 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 move latest mockup into django app in a more sustainable way

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 mad css3 to make show/hiding work nicely

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 show/hide re-beginnings

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 better no css view

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 rehook up expanders & other details

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 w00t, feature parity with orrible divs version

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 padding works!

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start on the padding

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>


2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 so close!

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 rendering mostly done

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start moving to listy approach

2011-09-26 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 update data

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 hook up the lava tests onto the board too

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 move expectations and reality somewhat closer together

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make the mockup use live data

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 put real data into mockup via bizarre hackery

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 more typing

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 misc typing

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 stop commit bits moving around

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 rebalance column sizes when things are shown/hidden.
 this is starting to get fairly complicated...

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make showing/hiding work somewhat (need to rebalance columns on resize though

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 obscure hack to not have configs with no builds float up

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 start to style failures differently

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 make arrow management simpler and more correct

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 allow concentrating on a tree

2011-09-23 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 format nested-data.js much more tightly
 divide data up into days
 give each column container a unique class
 some attention to visuals

2011-09-22 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 more data, stack commits correctly

2011-09-22 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 more rendering, slightly different css

2011-09-22 Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden>

 add some more dynamic rendering code

2011-09-21 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>


2011-09-21 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 add some pure html mockups

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 link to bundle on builds-commit page

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 make builds-commit view a little less ugly too

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 make index view a little less hideous

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 link from index to configs built from a commit

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 super rough listing of config builds

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 super simple index view

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 one more

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 missed some qatracker refs

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 _extremely_ mechanical extension glue

2011-09-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden> startapp lava_kernel_ci_views_app

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
873297 #873297 commit id could have a link to gitweb next to it 3 High Michael Hudson-Doyle  10 Fix Released
897034 #897034 need to find a way to identify which board a failed build would have been tested on 3 High Michael Hudson-Doyle  10 Fix Released
904078 #904078 default view only shows _yesterdays_ builds 1 Undecided Michael Hudson-Doyle  10 Fix Released
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