Registered by Nikita Zlobin

Humany, high configurable, modular desktop environment for geeks, noobs and animals.

The aim of this project is to get libre and flexible desktop environment, also easy to use by any computer users. Most specific features are as high and easy as possible configurability, combined with good humanity and good help system. Some things, e.g. configuration interface, should have configurable complexity - with ability to hide options or their groups, depending on context and user preferences.

Applications, using other GUI toolkits, such as GTK, Qt, wxWidgets, FLTK, KDE UI, Plasma could be integrated into LFHDE using addional modules (e.g., GTK) or even preloading.

Some more info is placed in blueprints. Some of them, probably, are to be moved to separate projects if appear.
Any help is welcomed.

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Nikita Zlobin
Not yet selected

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