Registered by libbls developers

Efficient editable buffer library.

libbls is a highly efficient, flexible and robust data manipulation library in the form of an editable buffer.

So, what is an editable buffer?

An editable buffer is a data structure which stores data and allows for efficient insert, replace, delete, copy, multiple undo and redo editing operations. libbls does all these in a fast and memory efficient manner, combining data from both memory and arbitrary sized chunks from files.

A simple, intuitive and yet powerful API provides the infrastructure needed to develop scalable applications that handle large volumes of data.

libbls is under development. However, its main features are in a very usable state, so don't hesitate to try it out and tell us what you think.

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libbls developers
libbls developers

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.3.2

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  • libbls 0.3.1 released! on 2010-09-05
    This release adds lua bindings and fixes some issues with buffer saving.
  • libbls 0.3.0 released! on 2009-11-15
    The new stable version of libbls, 0.3.0, is now available! This release adds ...
  • libbls 0.2.0 released! on 2009-05-04
    A new stable version of libbls is out there. The new features are: * Added s...
  • First release: libbls 0.1! on 2009-01-28
    This is the first release of libbls! Although far from feature complete, libb...