Registered by Alex Solanos

This is a Qt library for taking snapshots of web pages.

The library provides functions that can create a snapshot of a webpage and return a QImage pointer to it.

It supports:

(1) Setting screen dimensions (or, in other words, the minimum width & height for a webpage)
(2) Setting a timeout. If the timeout passes, then the image is not saved.
(3) Simple or complex authentication into websites. After the log-in process you are able to set another (final) URL, where you want to navigate and take a snapshot. Simple authentication includes the authentication pop-ups (like the ones for gaining access to the settings of a modem/router) and complex authentication includes the authentication on almost all the websites*.
(4) Enabling/disabling (a) image loading, (b) javascript, (c) java. Javascript pop-ups and new window pop-ups are being suspended and not shown at all at the final snapshot.

* Why complex authentication does not work on all the websites?

Complex authentication searches the log-in webpage for the proper username-password fields to fill. It recognizes these fields via their 'id', inside the HTML. LibWebsiteSnapshot includes a string list with popular username-password fields, so it iterates through them. It is possible to set your own username-password fields as well.

As a result of the above, complex authentication will not work on all the websites in the following cases:

(a) The website has normal <input> fields but has unusual 'id' values for the username and/or password. This can be solved if the website is specific and the fields are known. Because, as said before, you are able to pass to the library your own username-password 'id' values.
(b) The website does not support log-in via the traditional way of the <input> fields.

Project information

Alex Solanos
Alex Solanos

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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LibWebsiteSnapshot does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.