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110 of 46 releases

3.0.0.rc (Babies are being killed before the eyes of the world) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lifeograph 3.0 is a very huge update on top of the big changes introduced on Lifeograph 2.0. With this version, Lifeograph evolved form a diary/note taking application into a general purpose information management environment.

Please note that this is a testing release and should be used carefully. Please backup your existing diaries before upgrading.


* New main icon that reflects the improved functionality as a second brain
* UI upgraded to GTK4 replacing the deprecated UI elements with new ones
* All file I/O is moved to Gio for compatibility with network addresses and virtual drives, etc...
* Wiki style formatting markup is largely omitted in favor of a WYSIWYG style formatting system [[inline comments are an exception]]
* Paragraph folding that creates folds automatically based on heading and indentation levels
* New references button that pops up a list of referencing entries/paragraphs for the current entry (a.k.a back-links)
* Context-sensitive right-click menu that displays specific options for tags, images, dates, etc. based on the cursor location
* Tables can also be inserted into the entries now
* Added buttons for visiting link items to the right-click popover menu
* Added horizontal rules which can also be combined with text
* Entries can now be ordered, grouped, and arranged freely, irrespective of the their types
* Added an option to merge selected entries
* Added many new filterers
* All filters can be negated now
* Table columns are resizable now
* Many new column types added
* Group lines in a hierarchical view by any column
* Conditional coloring of cell values
* Completion columns show a progress bar in the background
* Option to combine identical consequent cells in a column to get cleaner tables
* Added a new vertical bars style to charts
* A basic inline table was added to allow creation of basic charts without creating a table first
* Added navigation icons to the calendar widget
* Added the ability to mark custom days as holidays
* Added the ability to change the first day of the week
* Searching is multi-threaded now for speed gains and responsiveness
* Migrated from libchamplain to libshumate which also works under Windows
* Many many more

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-3.0.0.rc0.tar.xz (md5, sig) Release Candidate 38
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 38

2.0.3 (Spring of Goliath) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lifeograph 2.0.3 addresses some glitches detected in 2.0.2. All users are encouraged to upgrade.


• Bug fixes
• Added Danish translation
• Updated Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, and Italian translations

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-2.0.3.tar.xz (md5, sig) FINAL VERSION + FIXES 1,426
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 1,426

2.0.2 (freedom from trade...) release from the 2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lifeograph 2.0.2 addresses some glitches detected in 2.0.1. All users are encouraged to upgrade.


Bug fixes
Updated Italian translation

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-2.0.2.tar.xz (md5, sig) FINAL VERSION + FIXES 1,085
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,085

2.0.1 (let no one ignorant of geometry enter your heart) release from the 2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lifeograph 2.0.1 addresses some glitches detected in 2.0.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade.


Bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph- (md5, sig) FINAL VERSION + FIXES 271
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 271

2.0.0 (processing data is a delicious experience) release from the 2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

New Features Video:

Lifeograph 2.0 is the culmination of 10 months of hard work and constitutes the biggest improvement step so far in the history of the program. No part remained untouched; every aspect of the user experience received its share of boost.

Also, in this version many idiosyncrasies of the program replaced with more intuitive or widespread user interface paradigms.

Please backup your existing diaries before upgrading.


• Everything is entry:
    • Numbered and free chapters, tags, and tag categories are removed and
      their functionality merged into entries. Chapters are also a special
      kind of entry now.
    • This on one hand simplified the workflow but on the other hand also
      opened the door for new possibilities such as adding content to
      everything and creating links between them.
    • Numbered and free entries can now be organized in a hierarchical way
      in the list, up to 3 levels.
• The text editor:
    • The entry text editor is ever-preset now. In the 1.X era, the central
      panel used to be used for displaying/editing many things in addition
      to entries. In 2.X paradigm, such functionality is done in the extra
    • Remember last scroll positions in entries during a session.
    • The internals of dealing with embedded images overhauled resulting
      in a better user experience.
    • Added an option to copy embedded images to a relative path to the
      diary file. This will help keeping all the data related to a diary
      in one folder.
    • Word count is now updated periodically (on a separate thread) while
• Toolbar:
    • The functionality of the fixed toolbar and the right click menu
      unified in a popover that can be accessed by right clicking.
    • This is part of the efforts for achieving a more :distraction-free:
      writing environment where tools are hidden unless they are needed.
• Entry list:
    • Now that everything is entry, entry list only lists entries, indeed.
      There is no item for the diary itself (the diary properties can be
      edited from the dedicated diary button in the headerbar.)
    • A right click menu added for easy access to some properties.
    • Changing properties of multiple entries can only be dome from the
      right-click menu.
    • Sorting direction for ordinal and temporal entries can now be set
    • Entries can now be sorted by name as well.
    • Much improved the drag and drop system which now offers to drop
      before, after, and into an entry.
• Tags are dead long live tags!
    • While the special entity called tag is no more, entries can now be
      used instead for achieving the same goal plus more.
    • So entries can be tagged with entries but so can paragraphs.
    • Entries can be filtered per being tagged with an entry.
    • Graphs can be plotted per having a reference to a tag (entry) or per
      value they assign to a tag (entry).
    • The tag bar and the tag panel was removed. :distraction-free:
    • There is an :IDE-like: auto completion popover for reliving the user
      from having to type entire entry names.
    • Inline tags also behave like links to other entries. This also
      provides another means for linking entries in addition to by date &
      by id.
    • Added a new syntax to specify planned value for a tag in the form of
• More paragraph oriented work-flow
    • This version gives more sovereignty to paragraphs elevating them to
      distinctly recognized elements in the database.
    • Paragraphs can now be justified to center and right.
• Extra panel
    • A new panel added to the bottom of the window for various
      functionality, such as searching, filtering, charts, etc...
• The new calendar widget
    • Replaced the standard Gtk+ calendar with a custom made calendar
      widget that better integrates with the rest of the program and offers
      additional features.
    • Chapter background colors are now displayed in the calendar.
    • Added a right click menu for creating entries and chapters on
      selected dates.
    • Days can now be dragged & dropped into entry text.
    • In the future more features will be added to the calendar.
    • Now it is also possible to select dates (instead of typing them)
      using the calendar popover activated from the calendar icon in date
      picker widgets.
• Map & location support
    • A new map widget (using libchamplain) was added to the UI.
    • Entries can now be assigned a location and a path.
    • This will make writing writing about places and planning journeys
      easier and more fun.
    • This can also be used to create charts of distances traveled per day.
    • Added support for geo tags.
• Chart improvements:
    • Added a flexible mechanism to create charts for any quantifiable
      aspect of entries.
    • Charts can be tailored to respect paragraph level tag relationships.
    • All aspects of the charts can be edited through a single popover.
    • Any number of charts can be created within a diary and than embedded
      into entries by name.
    • Visual appeal of the charts improved greatly.
    • Added weekly mode (besides the existing monthly and yearly).
    • Split cumulative mode into continuous and periodic sub types.
    • Added option to underlay the planned values under realized values.
    • Charts can now be dragged from the picker widget icon and dropped
      into entries.
• More streamlined text search:
    • Text search is now a completely separate action from filtering.
    • Text search now lists the paragraphs rather than updating the entry
      list or disturbing the other parts of the UI in any way.
• Filtering improvements:
    • Filters have their dedicated pane in the extra panel.
    • A new, much more flexible filtering system that supports 2 levels of
      AND/OR filterers.
    • The long requested feature delivered: Multiple tags can be filtered.
    • Different filter configurations can be created, named and added to
      the diary to be used later.
• Theme improvements:
    • Themes are now separate entities of their own (They used to be parts
      of tags).
    • Introduced several stock themes in addition the the standard
      Lifeograph theme. New diaries will be created with them.
    • Entries can be filtered by themes.
    • Background images can now be set for themes. A handful of images
      bundled to the package for a more sensational writing experience.
    • Greatly improved preview system and editor for themes.
• Printing improvements:
    • Added an option to use the theme colors in printouts (including the
      background color).
    • To-do items are printed much more nicely now.
    • Added an option to start entries in new pages.
    • Justify text option removed in favor of respecting the per paragraph
      justification settings.
• Better support for keyboard only workflow:
    • Added new shortcuts to enable doing most of the tasks while typing
      without resorting to mouse.
    • New "IDE-like" functionality to open new line below the current line.
• Bug fixes
    • Adding tons of new features (possibly creating new bugs) did not stop
      us from fixing some longstanding bugs in text parsing, spellchecking,
      image handling, text alignment, and many others.
• Miscellaneous improvements:
    • A separate undo history is kept now for each entry and changing the
      current entry no longer clears the undo stack.
    • Added new keyboard shortcuts for various operations.
    • Clicking the column headers in diary file list in login view no
      longer changes the sorting. It can only be adjusted from the
      hamburger menu now. The rationale is that the column headers were
      rather prone to accidental clicks.
    • Clicking the back button right after logging in will log you out.
    • The main icon updated to conform to the contemporary trends in
      graphics design.
    • Improvement the listing of differences in the synchronization dialog.
    • Many under-the-hood improvements such as
        • A clearer db file structure.
        • Removal of big chunks of deprecated code and optimizations in
          many algorithms.
        • General infrastructural improvements in the code to have a better
          base for future development

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-2.0.0.tar.xz (md5, sig) FINAL VERSION 966
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 966

1.5.1 (artemisia) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lifeograph 1.5.1 addresses several glitches detected in 1.5.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade.


* Bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph- (md5, sig) Final Release 985
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
Total downloads: 985

1.5.0 (artemisia) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

After a long period of silence Lifeograph is back with another exciting release.


This version updates the diary version, so users of Android and Windows versions should also upgrade those platforms to be able to work on their diary files everywhere.


* A more modern UI with new icons and widget types
 * Gtk+ minimum version requirement bumped to 3.22
* When not set specifically, to-do status of an entry is derived from its content
* Greatly improved chart widget
 * Much better hover info
 * Equal and consistent steps between different zoom levels
 * Option to underlay previous month to do comparisons
* Show total/average value for parametric tags
* Added a deferred to-do status for paragraphs "[>]"
* Added a keyboard shortcut for adding a todo-entry (Ctrl+D)
 * Changed add normal entry shortcut to Ctrl+E
* Added a keyboard shortcut for duplicating current paragraph in entry editor (Alt+2)
* Apply to-do status and favored-ness changes to all selected entries in the entry list
* Option to sort entries in ascending or descending order
* Add "=" automatically when adding parametric tags
* Unlimited browsing history
* Added a keyboard shortcut for browsing forward (Alt+Right)
* Split main Glade file into two parts to speed up startup
* Migrated to Meson as the main build system
* Modified code to allow compilation on Windows (Gtk+ version will now replace the native Windows version)
* Added Japanese translation
* Many bug fixes and small improvements

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-1.5.0.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Final Release 312
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 312

1.2.1 (medical complex) release from the 1.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

1.2.1 is a maintenance release that fixes some issues discovered in 1.2.0. It is recommended for everyone to upgrade to this version.


* Several bug fixes, code cleanups
* Small updates to Lifeograph manual
* Translation updates

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-1.2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) final 1,765
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,765

1.2.0 (why this kolaveri di) release from the 1.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

1.2 series comes with a big refresh on the user interface. Utilizing the new possibilities in the Gtk+ Lifeograph is more beautiful than ever and also much easier and more fun to use! But that's not all. There are also some improvements and feature additions in this release such as an improved to-do management and a revamped drag and drop system.

To be on the safe side, please consider backing up your diaries before upgrading.


* Even more modernized UI:
    * Lifeograph is using a header bar now and provides more area for the content
    * Popovers are used to go beyond what was possible with menus
    * New, more informative welcome screen for the first time users
* Introduced a new and more intuitive chapter system
    * Chapters and topics are now called "dated chapters" and "numbered chapters" respectively
    * Todo groups are converted into "free chapters". These are similar to numbered chapters but their numbers are hidden
    * It is possible to set the todo status for all three kinds of chapters
* Entries in any chapter can be assigned a todo status now
* Added a new "in progress" todo status
* Added support for multiple selections in the entry list which makes it possible to drag & drop multiple entries at once
* Made the auto logout on idle counter hard to miss
* Added the option to disable auto logout for the current session only
* Addded support for indenting wrapped lines
* General improvements to the drag & drop system
* Implemeted editing the order of entries within numbered chapters by typing
* Removed support for diaries created by versions 0.10 or older
* Minimum required Gtk+ version bumped to 3.12
* Many fixes and small improvements
* Translation updates

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-1.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) final 305
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
Total downloads: 305

1.1.1 (wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

1.1.1 fixes several issues discovered in 1.1.0 release. It is recommended for everone to upgrade to this version.
Please note that this version also includes a diary file definition update, so that diaries saved with this version cannot be opened in any of the previous versions including 1.1.0.


* Added saving the theme of the Untagged meta-tag which was missing in v1.1.0. This required the diary version to be increased
* Enabled reordering of todo groups
* Many bug fixes
* Translation updates

File Description Downloads
download icon lifeograph-1.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) final 677
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 677

110 of 46 releases