Linaro XML-RPC application for Django 2011.06

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Linaro XML-RPC application for Django
Paul Larson
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1 Zygmunt Krynicki
1 Implemented
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download icon linaro-django-xmlrpc-0.3.1-2011.06.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code release 1,262
last downloaded 43 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,262

Release notes 

 * Add auth token support
 * Add support for multiple API calls in one request


View the full changelog

2011-06-23 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.3.1

2011-06-23 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Make l-d-x pip-friedly

2011-06-13 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.3

2011-06-13 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Use request.user if there is no WWW-Authenticate header available.

2011-06-13 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 default to the user in the request if no token is present

2011-06-08 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 comedy typo

2011-06-07 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 correct out of date docstring

2011-06-06 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump to 0.3c1

2011-06-03 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 A bit of a mega-merge of one refactoring and two new features:
 - refactor to create a CallContext concept for XML-RPC calls, which
 encapsulates things like the user making the call
 - Add SystemAPI.getCapabilities(), a popular XML-RPC extension
 - Add SystemAPI.multicall(), another popular XML-RPC extension

 Additionally, improve and bump version number to 0.3b1.

2011-06-03 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 reject additional subcall arguments

2011-06-03 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 change subcall parameter error tests to go in through the front door

2011-06-03 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 reorder tests and rewrite their comments to be more about intent

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.3b1

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Merge improvements

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>


 This script is supposed to help everyone get started but it was hard to figure
 out what to do after running it. The script will now describe what it's doing
 and remind everyone about the interesting URLs to visit.

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add multicall support

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Fix SystemAPI.muticall() return value.

 So I messed up. The implementation worked but returned values incorrectly
 (according to the XML-RPC spec). The proper way of returning a value of
 subsequent sub-calls is actually trickier and allows to make faults properly
 distinguishable from returning structs with identical fields. Normal results
 are boxed in one-element array. Faults are returned directly. I added a few
 tests to check this behavior and actually tested this with python's
 xmlrpclib.MultiCall this time.

2011-06-01 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Missing whitespace

2011-06-01 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add SystemAPI.multicall() support.

 This change builds on top of CallContext changes earlier to add multicall
 support. Multicall is a standard part of (or a very common extenison) XML-RPC
 that allows the caller to pack multiple distinct method calls in one request.
 The advantage of multicall is to fight latency. Instead of making multiple
 calls and paying for the round-trip time the caller can (if possible) pack all
 the calls in one multicall request and dispatch them in one go. Each sub-call
 returns a distinct return value or error (fault). Fault of any method is not
 affecting the ivokation of other methods. This feature is supported by standard
 python XML-RPC client.

2011-06-02 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Explain why introspect specUrl is broken

2011-06-01 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add SystemAPI.getCapabilities()

 This call is a popular extension to the system namespace. It can be used to
 advertise server features. This implementation announces standard fault codes,
 introspection and (custom) auth_token support.

2011-06-01 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Refactor to create CallContext

 CallContext is a new class that encapsulates call information that may be of
 relevance by various parties. This class replaces user instance that was passed
 around to ExposedAPI subclasses to allow to pass user authentication. With this
 refactoring SystemAPI is no longer a special class and Mapper can be simplified
 to accept _only_ classes (no more instances) and always instantiate them with
 CallContext as argument.

2011-05-31 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Better error messages when setuptools is missing, update meta-data

2011-05-31 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 Add view for editing token descriptions + some minor changes here and there

 merging lp:~linaro-validation/linaro-django-xmlrpc/edit-token

2011-05-30 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add edit token view, some minor changes to test project

2011-05-27 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add setup.cfg, update .bzrignore

2011-05-30 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Merge better http auth checking + unit tests

2011-05-27 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 be way more anal about returning appropriate http codes

2011-05-27 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 put the delete link it its own cell, looks better when the token is hidden

2011-05-27 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 do not explode if there is no authorization header (!)

2011-05-27 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 merge trunk (mostly pep8 fixes)

2011-05-16 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Merge pep8 fixes, add few additional fixes discovered on natty

2011-05-10 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 fix all pep8 issues

2011-05-27 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Development snapshot

2011-05-26 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Use reversed dispatcher URL instead of hardcoded value

2011-05-26 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Remove whitespace

2011-05-26 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Move test project inside, enable auth urls

2011-05-26 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Merge improvements from Michael

2011-05-26 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 update to match django_testscenarios changes

2011-05-26 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 ignore test_project db

2011-05-26 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 fix some flakes-revealed errors

2011-05-10 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Work in progress

2011-05-10 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Work in progress

2011-05-13 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Fix typo in documentation

2011-05-11 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add AuthToken model

2011-05-03 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 install templates along with the package

2011-04-21 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 make sure the templates get installed

2011-04-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 fix a few issues revealed by pyflakes

2011-04-20 Michael-Doyle Hudson <email address hidden>

 fix flakes

2011-01-21 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Change long_description to description, it's not long really

2011-01-21 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.2.1 and release

2011-01-21 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add default_handler (same as old handler but less kludgey), switch to django-testscenarios, re-enable old test

2011-01-19 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Merge with trunk

2010-10-29 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Re-arrange things and add example project/app

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Bump version to 0.2 dev

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Use versiontools for __version__

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add URL to project website

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Simplify test_project with django_testscenarios django_testproject

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Rename to linaro-django-xmlrpc and lookup packages automatically

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Use environment python in test_project/ to work with virtualenv

2011-01-18 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 Add a note in Mapper.lookup()

2010-10-28 Zygmunt Krynicki <email address hidden>

 First working development snapshot

1 blueprint and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
XML-RPC Authenthication Tokens XML-RPC Authenthication Tokens 4 High Zygmunt Krynicki  11 Implemented
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