lrcShow-X 1.4.0

1. application would search all strategies in all conditions
2. add track file info in relation dialog
3. fix a bug that the "save" button in lrc editor is always enabled after sync
4. add "lyrics margin" setting
5. fix a bug of updating "lrcpath" setting item
6. add a function of detecting lrc file with recursion
7. add youdao as the 13th search engine
8. fix an encoding bug of opening the lrc which is from net in lrc editor
9. add mpd support (need mpDris installed)
10. add xmms2 support (need xmms2-mpris-bridge started)
11. fix a bug of getting media file's location
12. add "mpDris" and "xmms2-mpris-bridge" as addons
13. force showing the lyrics with horizontal mode when line=1
14. roll the lyrics smoothly under horizontal mode
15. fix a bug of handling the last line of lyrics
16. add "set display effect" menu item
17. fix a bug of locating lyrics error when change track
18. improve detectig the location of lyrics when change display mode or show-line
19. avoid more than one net searching thread at the same time
20. fix a bug that the spin box in tray icon setting page is enabled when the the system tray function is disabled
21. set timer for animation as linear
22. fix a bug that timer does not start from 0, it happens in pyqt4<4.7 (thanks to yingfei)
23. add pt_BR translation

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download icon lrcShow-X-1_4_0.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1_4_0 111
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 111

Release notes 

mpd and xmms2 support
new scroll effect


View the full changelog

1. application would search all strategies in all conditions
2. add track file info in relation dialog
3. fix a bug that the "save" button in lrc editor is always enabled after sync
4. add "lyrics margin" setting
5. fix a bug of updating "lrcpath" setting item
6. add a function of detecting lrc file with recursion
7. add youdao as the 13th search engine
8. fix an encoding bug of opening the lrc which is from net in lrc editor
9. add mpd support (need mpDris installed)
10. add xmms2 support (need xmms2-mpris-bridge started)
11. fix a bug of getting media file's location
12. add "mpDris" and "xmms2-mpris-bridge" as addons
13. force showing the lyrics with horizontal mode when line=1
14. roll the lyrics smoothly under horizontal mode
15. fix a bug of handling the last line of lyrics
16. add "set display effect" menu item
17. fix a bug of locating lyrics error when change track
18. improve detectig the location of lyrics when change display mode or show-line
19. avoid more than one net searching thread at the same time
20. fix a bug that the spin box in tray icon setting page is enabled when the the system tray function is disabled
21. set timer for animation as linear
22. fix a bug that timer does not start from 0, it happens in pyqt4<4.7 (thanks to yingfei)
23. add pt_BR translation

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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