Comment 5 for bug 834619

Revision history for this message
Maxime Chambreuil ( (max3903) wrote :

Same problem on Magento 1.6.1. No success with the proposed patch above. Magento can't find the product with the information provided by the connector.

mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity;
| entity_id | entity_type_id | attribute_set_id | type_id | sku | has_options | required_options | created_at | updated_at |
| 1 | 4 | 4 | simple | 12345 | 0 | 0 | 2011-08-18 13:46:03 | 2011-08-19 13:42:12 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Export product :

[2011-12-28 20:11:26,432][?] INFO:Magento Connection:Calling Method:ol_catalog_product.update,Arguments:[u'12345', {'msrp_enabled': False, 'weight': 300.0, 'type_id': u'simple', 'options_container': u'container2', 'small_image_label': False, 'cost': 0, 'thumbnail_label': False, 'special_from_date': False, 'url_key': u'above-ground-pool', 'description': u'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In viverra eros eget eros vestibulum elementum. Nullam sit amet varius tellus. Nullam aliquet turpis diam. Nullam non purus neque. Nunc elementum, nibh vitae euismod egestas, lorem tortor feugiat mauris, ac placerat elit mauris et quam. Ut aliquet auctor lobortis. Maecenas dictum, eros lacinia blandit elementum, nisi est laoreet est, sed cursus dui nulla at elit. Mauris hendrerit dui neque, et consequat diam', 'meta_description': u'Really nice above ground pool', 'country_of_manufacture': False, 'msrp_display_actual_price_type': False, 'is_imported': False, 'page_layout': False, 'minimal_price': False, 'meta_keyword': u'Above Ground pool', 'gift_message_available': False, 'custom_design_to': False, 'short_description': u'Really nice above ground pool', 'tax_class_id': u'2', 'status': u'1', 'meta_title': u'Above Ground pool', 'custom_layout_update': u'', 'news_to_date': False, 'price_view': False, 'price': 2499.0, 'enable_googlecheckout': u'1', 'news_from_date': False, 'visibility': u'4', 'updated_at': u'2011-08-19 13:42:12', 'recurring_profile': False, 'is_recurring': False, 'categories': [u'25', u'3'], 'manufacturer': u'3', 'custom_design': False, 'required_options': u'0', 'name': u'Above Ground pool', 'created_at': u'2011-08-18 13:46:03', 'websites': [u'1'], 'special_to_date': False, 'custom_design_from': False, 'msrp': False, 'image_label': False}]
[2011-12-28 20:11:26,984][?] INFO:ext synchro:UPDATE ERROR: <Fault 0: 'Unknown Error'>
[2011-12-28 20:11:26,984][?] INFO:ext synchro:may be the resource doesn't exist any more in the external referential, trying to re-create a new one