Comment 2 for bug 1259764

Revision history for this message
Steven (stevens-q) wrote :

==== Bug #1259764 Feedback form should use focus management ====

please check that everything still works when looking at it as sighted person

==== Test Plan ====
1. log in as an authenticated user
2. browse to any portfolio page
3. scroll to the bottom of the page and click the place feedback link
4. confirm that a field opens to allow a user to place feedback
5. confirm that a user can also add multiple files as part of the feedback
6. confirm that there are buttons to place feedback and to cancel

==== Test Results ====
4. confirm that a field opens to allow a user to place feedback ✔
5. confirm that a user can also add multiple files as part of the feedback ✔
6. confirm that there are buttons to place feedback and to cancel ✔

Catalyst QA Approved ✔