Registered by Wouter Bulten

Mai Ocean, a messenger bot server written in PHP (and C++).

Mai Ocean is written solely in PHP and can be run from the command line. Mai Ocean can be started remotely using methods such as SSH. The software will continue running, even if you exit the terminal.

Mai Ocean is devided into two layers: the application layer and the handler layer (or bot layer). The application layer consists of methods to connect to the server and process incomming commands. The handler layer can be used to create a customized bot.

Current features:
- Fully working connection system, connects with required notification and switchboard servers
- Remote start and shutdown of the server
- Handlers for welcome messages and normal messages
- Auto-accept of new contacts

Version 0.2 will only work on Unix systems. Windows is not yet supported.

Project information

Part of:
Mai Project
Wouter Bulten
Not yet selected
GNU Affero GPL v3, Other/Open Source
(New BSD License (For Zend Framework and eZComponents))

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0.2 series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
PHP, C++

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Mai Ocean does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.


  • [Info] End of Mai Client on 2009-10-16
    Daan Sprenkels will stop with the development of Mai Client. Due to this the ...