Mathomatic 15.5.0

Maintenance and code cleanup/commenting were done and many ease-of-use enhancements were added.

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George Gesslein II
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download icon mathomatic-15.5.0.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Mathomatic source code and documentation 37
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 37

Release notes 

Maintenance and code cleanup/commenting were done and many ease-of-use enhancements were added. An optional mixed fraction display mode was added. Purely numerical input is retained until next numerical input. Stored expressions may be referenced and included at any time now by entering "#" followed by the equation space number, when entering mathematical expressions. Simplification was sped up.


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Source code cleanup and comments added.

2/15/11 - Fixed result of (constant % inf) to equal constant.

2/16/11 - Restored explicitly linking with ncurses library when compiled
          with readline, because Red Hat Linux wrongly requires this.
          There is no way to know ahead of time whether this is needed, so
          remove the "-lncurses" from the makefile if there is a problem

          Upgraded set option "fractions_display_mode" to display fractions
          as mixed fractions when possible, when set to mode 2. A mixed
          fraction is possible when the numerator of a simple fraction is
          greater than the denominator, like 9/4, which displays as (2+(1/4))
          in mixed fraction display mode 2. Mode 1 is the default, which
          functions as before, displaying 2.25 as the simple fraction 9/4.
          To display mixed fractions only on command, just type "display mixed"
          to display the current expression with mixed fractions output
          that one time.

2/17/11 - Autocalc (used when typing a numerical only expression at the main
          prompt) now keeps the result until next time autocalc is used,
          so that it can be acted on further by Mathomatic commands, if desired.
          All previous autocalc results are erased every time autocalc is used.
          This provides much better calculator functionality for Mathomatic
          and improves ease-of-use.

2/18/11 - Use HTML infinity symbol (∞) for infinities in HTML output mode.

2/19/11 - Allow solid fraction bar display in HTML output mode by using "–".
          Previously the ASCII dash character "-" was used, making a dashed line
          that separated the numerator and denominator of fractions. Now the line
          should be solid in HTML output mode.

          Improved divide command for numerical division. Added mixed fractions
          and cleaned up output.

          Ported matho-primes to MS-Windows and included it in the Windows
          version on my website: "".

          The fraction command is now repeatable by preceding it with "repeat".
          This repeatedly runs it until the smallest expression is achieved.

          Simplification was sped up, especially with "simplify quick", therefore
          differentiating and the Taylor command are faster.

2/20/11 - Removed the requirement for the Unix "time" command with m4 Mathomatic.

2/23/11 - Allow array variable refs like a[2] or a[1][2] when generating C code.
          Just "set special []" to allow straight brackets in variable names.

2/24/11 - Another ease-of-use enhancement was implemented, making it possible to
          use "#equation-number" anywhere in any expression, it will insert the
          expression at that equation number. This is an improvement that should
          have been done long ago. However, don't expect it to work with the
          plot command, "plot #1" does not work because the argument to plot is a
          string and/or the current equation. For example, typing things like
          "y=#1^2" is a convenient way to raise the expression in equation space
          number 1 to the power of 2 and set it equal to y, or whatever you wish.

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