Registered by George Gesslein II

Mathomaticâ„¢ is a free and open source command-line computer algebra system (CAS) for doing floating point calculations and symbolic mathematics. It can automatically solve, simplify, combine, and compare algebraic equations, do some calculus, etc. The current version number is 16.0.2, released August 6, 2012; this is a bugfix version, available on the Mathomatic download page

Answers and bug tracking are working here in Launchpad, so please feel free to ask questions and report bugs, or subscribe to them. Mathomatic should always be trouble-free and give correct, simple, and beautiful answers; if not, please report it here or send an email to or

Contributions are welcome, just email me. I will be very polite and try to manually merge your code with Mathomatic, if appropriate. Remember, you shouldn't make any mistakes when it comes to math, it is not allowed. Math must be perfect.

The Mathomatic documentation is the best place to start:

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GNU LGPL v2.1, GNU FDL no options

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16 series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 15.6.5

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