Mathomatic 15.5.3

Simplification corrected, bugs fixed, many minor improvements.

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George Gesslein II
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download icon mathomatic-15.5.3.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Stable Mathomatic source code and documentation 17
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 17

Release notes 

Simplification was improved. A plot settings bug was fixed. New options were added to the fraction command to return the numerator or denominator of the resulting fraction. The nintegrate command was fixed to work with complex numbers and trigonometry. The universal constants are now always displayed beautifully, consistently, and exportably. The exit status of Mathomatic is now useful for scripting. The makefile now allows separate documentation installation.


View the full changelog

Simplify expressions with positive bases like 16^(x/2) and (2^m)^n by default;
previously only simplified these with the "simplify symbolic" command.

3/22/11 - The exit status of Mathomatic now shows any errors when run with the
          -e option. So if a command fails, it exits to the OS with the exit
          status 1. Exit status is 0 if everything went OK. Also works without
          the -e option, when files are specified on the shell command line.
          An error will abort the script, returning you to the operating system
          with an exit status of 1.

3/23/11 - Changed makefile to allow installing m4 Mathomatic without installing
          the documentation. Use "sudo make bininstall matho-rmath-install" to
          install m4 Mathomatic executables and man pages.
          Then "sudo make docinstall" installs all documentation.

3/26/11 - The rmath man page math function and constant lists have been corrected
          and the rmath man page has been added to the main user documentation.

3/27/11 - Output of universal constants is now prettier when displaying. No
          more i#, e#, and pi#, they are displayed as they are entered: i, e,
          and pi. HTML mode displays the small Greek letter pi for pi.

3/29/11 - The nintegrate command now works with complex numbers and trigonometry,
          and does not change the current equation to the result.

3/30/11 - Link the man page rmath.1 to matho.1 when installing, so that every
          executable has a man page.

4/04/11 - Added "numerator" and "denominator" options to the fraction command,
          which returns only the numerator or denominator after making sure the
          expression is a simple algebraic fraction.

          Autocalc now deletes only the previous autocalc when autocalc is used.
          It was deleting all autocalc results except for the current one every
          time, preventing copying.

4/15/11 - Improved simplification of expressions like (x + (2^(1/2)))^{3,4,5,6}.
          It broke a while back when factor_times() constant factoring was
          improved. The fix uses factor_times() less, preserving reduced surds.

4/17/11 - Saving "plot_prefix" with the "set save" command was not escaping
          semicolons, so they were disappearing from the prefix. Fixed now.

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