Registered by Justin Alan Ryan

We're currently working on a pure-z3 workalike of the Plone CMS, with some added flexibility and functionality, and would eventually like to bridge many OO environments as a metaplatform, providing compilers and other dev tools for bridging Python and other metalanguages into environments like CLR and JVM.

The Meteor project endeavors to establish a hyperspace-oriented metaplatform, eventually providing the opportunity for Zope-style development in non-cPython environments, Cocoa / NeXT-style in non-Objective-C environemnts, and to allow people using non-python and ObjC languages to collaborate, as well as simplifying the lives of those developers. Our first goal is to create pure zope3 workalike code for the Plone CMS without Zope2's CMF, or Content Management Framework.

Project information

Meteor Core Team
Meteor Core Team
GNU Affero GPL v3

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, XML, HTML, CSS

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