
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.18-alpha mgui-core None 18th alpha release of ModelGUI. Includes numerous bug fixes and added feature...
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.17-alpha mgui-core None The almost-beta release...
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.9-alpha mgui-core None
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.22-alpha mgui-core 2014-06-01 This is the 22nd alpha release of ModelGUI. It adds functionality including i...
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.21-alpha mgui-core 2014-02-19 The 21st alpha release
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.20-alpha mgui-core 2014-01-07 20th Release of ModelGUI To include: MINC format functionality Improved pip...
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.16-alpha mgui-core 2012-11-02 16th alpha release
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.15-alpha mgui-core 2012-08-15 15th alpha release of the ModelGUI project.
ModelGUI core-1.0.0-beta "core beta release" mgui-core 2012-06-30 The proposed date for the beta release of mgui-core. The implementation propo...
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.11-alpha "11th alpha release" mgui-core 2012-01-04 11th alpha release for ModelGUI
ModelGUI neuro-1.0.0-beta "beta release" mgui-neuro 2011-12-30 not yet released The proposed date for the beta release of mgui-neuro. The implementation prop...
ModelGUI geology-1.0.0-beta "geology beta release" mgui-geology 2011-12-30 not yet released modelGUI geology-1.0.0-beta
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.8-alpha "mgui-1.0.8-alpha" mgui-core 2011-05-27 8th alpha release of the modelGUI project
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.7-alpha mgui-core 2011-03-03 7th alpha release
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.6-alpha mgui-core 2011-02-07 6th alpha release of the modelGUI project.
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.10-alpha "10th alpha release" mgui-core 2011-01-04 10th alpha release of ModelGUI
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.5-alpha mgui-core 2010-08-07 Fifth alpha release of modelGUI core and neuro series.
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.4-alpha mgui-core 2010-05-24 An experimental "alpha" release prior to the 1.0.0-beta release
ModelGUI mgui-1.0.3-alpha mgui-core 2010-03-16 Improvements upon the execution setup See release notes
ModelGUI core-1.0.2-alpha "core alpha release" mgui-core 2010-02-28 An "alpha" release intended to provide a partial list of the intended feature...