Registered by Nick Apostolakis

myCrop is a farm strategic analysis and management application intended for amateur or professional farmers.

myCrop is a farm strategic analysis and management application intended for amateur or professional farmers.

It can collect and manage data for:

    * farm fields,
    * crop types,
    * crops per farm field
    * the yield of each crop.

It can also collect and manage data for any kind of application on these crops some of which are:

    * watering
    * pruning
    * fertilizing
    * pesticide applications

All the above can be presented in various reports, that can be used to estimate the crop yield during a span of years or determining the needs of fertilization of a field based on its crops production. Journal reports for crop and field applications required by GAP (Good Agricultural Practices), EUREPGAP and other production standards organizations will also be implemented.

Project information

Nick Apostolakis
Nick Apostolakis

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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