Registered by CaptTofu

The Narada Open Source Search Engine Application is a new project that utilizes the newest technology such as Sphinx Search, Gearman, memcached, MySQL (and soon Drizzle!) as well as using mod_perl 2.0 and Apache 2.2

This project was inspired by my book "Developing Web Applications with Apache, memcached, MySQL and Perl" (978-0-470-41464-4) in particular Chapter 17. It was a sample application shown how you can use the various technologies discussed throughout the book, as well as Gearman, to put together a great data retrieval, indexing and search application. It was a good proof of concept, and I've decided to turn it into an actual project. Let's see where this goes!

The Narada Open Source Search Engine Application is a new project that utilizes the newest technology:
* Sphinx Search
* Gearman
* memcached
* MySQL and Drizzle
* mod_perl 2.0
* Apache 2.2
* PHP, Perl or Java

Project information

Narada Team
Simplified BSD Licence, GNU GPL v2

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Perl, SQL, JavaScript

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