Network Administration Visualized 3.14.159265

Milestone information

Network Administration Visualized
Morten Brekkevold
Release registered:
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Assigned to you:
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1 Morten Brekkevold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Fix Released

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download icon nav-3.14.159265.tar.gz (md5, sig) NAV 3.14.159265 source tarball 55
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
Total downloads: 55

Release notes 

 Network Administration Visualized release notes

Please report bugs at . To browse
existing bug reports, go to .

If you are upgrading from versions of NAV older than 3.7, please refer to the
release notes of the in-between versions before reading any further.

Known problems

The recommended SNMP library for use with ipdevpoll is `pynetsnmp`. If you
choose to go with the original TwistedSNMP, the latest version (0.3.13)
contains a bug that manifests in table retrieval operations. Timeouts and
retries aren't handled properly, and this may cause slow or otherwise busy
devices to be bombarded with requests from NAV. The `contrib/patches`
directory contains a patch for TwistedSNMP that solves this problem. The
patch has been submitted upstream, but not yet accepted into a new release.

NAV 3.14

To see the overview of scheduled features and reported bugs on the 3.14 series
of NAV, please go to .

Dependency changes

- The `pynetsnmp` library is still optional (for the time being) and
  recommended, but is **required** if IPv6 SNMP support is needed.

Manual upgrade steps required

In NAV 3.14.1592, the Cricket trees `switch-ports` and `router-interfaces`
have been consolidated into a single `ports` tree, where all physical ports'
traffic stats now also are collected. After running the usual ``
command, you should run `` once manually (as the navcron) user to ensure
the Cricket config tree is updated.

When everything is up and running again, you can optionally delete the
`switch-ports` and `router-interfaces` directories from your `cricket-config`
directory, as they are no longer used by NAV.

NAV now supplies its own `subtree-sets` configuration to Cricket. If you have
made manual changes to your Cricket collection setup and/or this file, you may
need to update your setup accordingly.


NAV 3.14 supports SNMP over IPv6, and most of the service monitors can now
also support IP devices with an IPv6 address in NAV. When adding a service
monitor in SeedDB, any monitor that doesn't support IPv6 will be marked as

NAV will also properly configure Cricket with IPv6 addresses, but Cricket's
underlying SNMP library *needs two optional Perl modules* to be installed to
enable IPv6. These modules are:

* `Socket6`
* `IO::Socket::INET6`

On Debian/Ubuntu these two are already in the Recommends list of the
`libsnmp-session-perl` package (Cricket's underlying SNMP library); depending
on your Apt configuration, they may or may not have been installed
automatically when the `cricket` package was installed.

Files to remove

If any of the following files and directories are still in your installation
after upgrading to NAV 3.14, they should be removed (installation prefix has
been stripped from these file names). If you installed and upgraded NAV using
a packaging system, you should be able to safely ignore this section::



View the full changelog

Version 3.14.159265
(released 27 Jun 2013)

 This release rolls back changes to the camlogging system that were made in
 the 3.14.1592 release. These changes caused cam records to be created
 erroneously and also a massive load increase on the server NAV is running on.
 Upgrading is HIGHLY recommended.


  * LP#1195206 (MAC addresses are logged for most link ports, causing huge load
                increase on NAV server)

0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1195206 #1195206 MAC addresses are logged for most link ports, causing huge load increase on NAV server 2 Critical Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
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