Network Administration Visualized 4.2.6

Milestone information

Network Administration Visualized
Morten Brekkevold
Release registered:
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Assigned to you:
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4 John-Magne Bredal, 7 Morten Brekkevold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
11 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon nav-4.2.6.tar.gz (md5, sig) NAV 4.2.6 source code tarball 128
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 128

Release notes 

 Network Administration Visualized release notes

Please report bugs at . To browse
existing bug reports, go to .

If you are upgrading from versions of NAV older than 3.7, please refer to the
release notes of the in-between versions before reading any further.

Known problems

The recommended SNMP library for use with ipdevpoll is `pynetsnmp`. If you
choose to go with the original TwistedSNMP, the latest version (0.3.13)
contains a bug that manifests in table retrieval operations. Timeouts and
retries aren't handled properly, and this may cause slow or otherwise busy
devices to be bombarded with requests from NAV. The `contrib/patches`
directory contains a patch for TwistedSNMP that solves this problem. The
patch has been submitted upstream, but not yet accepted into a new release.

NAV 4.2

To see the overview of scheduled features and reported bugs on the 4.2 series
of NAV, please go to .

Dependency changes

There are none :-)

Rename some of your Whisper files to keep your statistics

The 4.2.2 release adds commas to the list of characters escaped in Graphite
metric names; commas cause problems when constructing target names for
graphite-web, when rendering graphs and retrieving metrics. An out-of-place
comma will cause Graphite render requests to fail.

If your Graphite storage directory contains Whisper files with commas in
their filenames (under the `nav` hierarchy), and you want to keep your data
history, you will need to rename these files by replacing the commas with
underscores. Something like this should do the trick::

    cd /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/nav
    find -name '*,*' | xargs rename --verbose 's/,/_/g'

Multicast listener stats from IGMP snooping

NAV 4.2 will use HP's STATISTICS-MIB to sum up the number of known multicast
group subscribers per HP switch (i.e. from each switch's IGMP snooping data).
Each multicast group address seen is logged to Graphite under the
`nav.multicast` hierarchy.

We wanted to support similar functionality for Cisco devices, but it seems
support for Cisco's own proprietary CISCO-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB is very poor among
Cisco switches.

Graphite storage schema changes

Be aware that the example Graphite storage schema
:file:`etc/nav/graphite/storage-schema.conf` has added a section for multicast
statistics. Be sure to update your running Carbon configuration.

Rewritten Status tool

The Status tool has been rewritten from scratch.

The old Status tool hardcoded table listings for specific alert types, and not
all alert types were supported - meaning some alerts were never actually
displayed in the Status tool. This also made it very difficult to dynamically
add new alert types from plugins or third party software, without modifying
the Status tool code.

The new tool offers an in-page status filtering form, which can also be saved
as your personal status page filter preference.

Any filter configuration can also be saved as a new front-page status filter,
meaning you can have multiple status widgets, each with a different
configuration. When modifying the default/anonymous user's front page widgets,
this means you can also decide which types of alerts, if any, will be
displayed to unauthenticated users.

Alert acknowledgement

With the new Status tool comes the ability to acknowledge open alerts, with
comments. An acknowledged alert is not displayed under the default Status tool
filter configuration (but can be added by checking the "Acknowledged"

Stateless alerts

The Status tool normally displays stateful alerts, i.e. states that have a
starting time and, eventually, an ending time. The can be actual problems, or
more information states, such as a device being on scheduled maintenance.

However, NAV will at times also issue stateless alerts (warnings). Before,
these were normally only accessible in the Device History tool, and through
alert subscriptions in Alert Profiles.

The Status page tool can now be configured to include recent stateless alerts,
within a set threshold (the default is 24 hours). The default is still to
leave them out.

New status widget

A widget version of the new Status tool is also introduced. Users who have the
old Status widget on their NAV front pages will see their widgets replaced
with a Status tool widget filtering for *boxState* events.

By default, NAV places a status widget on the front page of anonymous users.
With the new widget, you can also control what kind of alerts anonymous users
can see on the front page.

.. TIP:: To configure, remove or add more Status widgets to the front page of
         anonymous users, go to the User Admininstration tool, select the
         *default* user and click the button :guilabel:`Operate as this user`.

         While operating as the *default* user, configure the widgets on the
         front page to your liking. Click :guilabel:`Log back in as ...` to
         return to normal operation.

Netmap redesign

There was never time to clean up the Netmap tool's complicated user interface
during the design changes released in NAV 4.0. This has now been rectified.

The map portion of the page has been given more space, and the view options
are now contained in a hideable panel above the map. Your saved views should
still work.

SeedDB IP device form redesign

The form for adding and editing an IP device has been redesigned. It no longer
requires connectivity to add or edit an IP device, but you have the option to
verify the connectivity if you want. As a result of this, only one step is
required to complete the form. Should you go ahead and save a router with the
wrong SNMP community, NAV will shortly raise an *snmpAgentAlert* for this

In addition to this, IP address verification has been added to the form. When
adding an IP device by its hostname in NAV versions prior to 4.2, if this
hostname resolved to multiple IP addresses, NAV would select an arbitrary IP
address from these as its management address for the device. The new form will
ask the user to choose one of the resolved IP addresses from a list.

Custom attributes on IP devices and locations

You now have to option to add custom attributes to your IP devices and
locations. In NAV 4.1 this was only available for rooms and organizations. The
custom attributes are added in the respective SeedDB forms.

The attributes added for IP devices are displayed on the IP Device Info page.
The attributes for locations are currently not visible outside of SeedDB, as
there are no canonical Location-pages in NAV (yet). The *location* report can
be amended locally to include those attributes you want displayed, in the same
way as commented on the *organization* and *room* reports.

New command line utilities

NAV 4.2 introduces three new command line utilities for advanced users:


    Usage: navdf [filter]

    Lists and filters IP devices monitored by NAV

      -h, --help show this help message and exit

    The filter expression must be a method call applicable to the Django-based
    Netbox model's manager class. Example: "filter(category__id='GSW')"


    usage: navoidverify baseoid < sysnames.txt

    Verifies SNMP sub-tree support on a set of NAV-monitored devices

    positional arguments:
      baseoid The base OID for which a GETNEXT operation will be performed

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help show this help message and exit

    Given the root of an SNMP MIB module, a bunch of devices can be queried in
    parallel whether they have any objects below the given BASEOID - effectively
    verifying MIB support in these devices.


    usage: naventity device

    Outputs entity hierarchy graph from a device's ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalTable

    positional arguments:
      device The NAV-monitored IP device to query. Must be either a sysname
    prefix or an IP address.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help show this help message and exit

Files to remove

Many files have been removed or moved around since NAV 4.0 and 4.1. Unless you
upgraded NAV using a package manager (such as APT), you may need/want to
remove some obsolete files and directories (here prefixed by /usr/local/nav)::



View the full changelog

Version 4.2.6
(released 23 Apr 2015)


  * LP#1248083 (The ipdevinfo "Affected" tab should be renamed to "what if")
  * LP#1248085 (ipdevinfo "affected" tab needs to properly list the affected
  * LP#1338388 (Netmap link traffic does not always show)
  * LP#1435451 (Vendors report should only show Vendors in use)
  * LP#1436125 (No CPU graph from some Cisco CPUs)
  * LP#1436388 (VLAN number cannot be forced by router port description)
  * LP#1437318 (PostgreSQL load driven up by overzealous pruning of old
                ipdevpoll_job_log entries in NAV 4.2.5)
  * LP#1438930 (No negative values can be displayed in graphs)
  * LP#1442538 (Graphite-web doesn't support metric aliases with non-ASCII
  * LP#1443775 (alert templates for climate humidity notifications does not
  * LP#1444416 (netmap L3 crash in

0 blueprints and 11 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1437318 #1437318 PostgreSQL load driven up by overzealous pruning of old ipdevpoll_job_log entries in NAV 4.2.5 3 High Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1435451 #1435451 Vendors report should only show Vendors in use 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1436125 #1436125 No CPU graph from some Cisco CPUs 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1436388 #1436388 VLAN number cannot be forced by router port description 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1438930 #1438930 No negative values can be displayed in graphs 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1442538 #1442538 Graphite-web doesn't support metric aliases with non-ASCII characters 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1444416 #1444416 netmap L3 crash in 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1248083 #1248083 The ipdevinfo "Affected" tab should be renamed to "what if" 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1248085 #1248085 ipdevinfo "affected" tab needs to properly list the affected organizations 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1338388 #1338388 Netmap link traffic does not always show 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1443775 #1443775 alert templates for climate humidity notifications does not exist 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
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