Network Administration Visualized 4.6.0

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Network Administration Visualized
Morten Brekkevold
Release registered:
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6 John-Magne Bredal, 9 Morten Brekkevold
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16 Fix Released

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download icon nav-4.6.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) NAV 4.6.0 source code tarball 139
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Total downloads: 139

Release notes 

 Network Administration Visualized release notes

Please report bugs at . To browse
existing bug reports, go to .

Known problems

The recommended SNMP library for use with ipdevpoll is `pynetsnmp`. If you
choose to go with the original TwistedSNMP, the latest version (0.3.13)
contains a bug that manifests in table retrieval operations. Timeouts and
retries aren't handled properly, and this may cause slow or otherwise busy
devices to be bombarded with requests from NAV. The `contrib/patches`
directory contains a patch for TwistedSNMP that solves this problem. The
patch has been submitted upstream, but not yet accepted into a new release.

NAV 4.6

To see the overview of scheduled features and reported bugs on the 4.6 series
of NAV, please go to .

Dependency changes

NAV now requires the :mod:`markdown` Python library, to ensure proper
rendering of documentation in the browseable API.

The :mod:`IPy` Python library is now required to be at least version *0.81*.

IPAM (IP Address Management)

This release introduces the IP Address Management tool, sponsored by the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Inspired by the already existing Subnet Matrix tool (reachable from NAV's
Report tool), IPAM was developed to assist in IP address management tasks,
using NAV's existing IP address prefix registry.

NTNU has, like many other higher education institutions in Norway have lately,
been merged with several other institutions, vastly increasing the number of
assigned IP address blocks to manage.

Whereas the Subnet Matrix can visualize a single network scope at a time, IPAM
was built to visualize multiple scopes interactively, and to allow for the
visualization of nested scopes. The tool includes search and filtering
capabilities, including functions to search for unallocated subnets of
specificed sizes and mark them as reserved (via SeedDB).

Static routes

Along with the IPAM tool, comes the new opt-in ipdevpoll plugin
`staticroutes`. This plugin re-implements the static routes plugin from
:program:`getDeviceData` (the pre NAV 3.6 collector), providing you with the
option of a more complete IP prefix registry.

If you wish to automatically collect statically configured routes from your
routers into NAV's prefix registry, you can add this plugin to you inventory
job - or, since your static route configuration isn't likely to change very
often, configure a separate ipdevpoll job with a much larger interval (e.g. 24

Collecting a router's entire routing table via SNMP can be taxing for some
routers, which is why this plugin is not enabled by default. The plugin can
also be configured to throttle the rate at which it sends SNMP requests to

Prefix information page and usage tags

A new per-prefix information page has been added, complementing the VLAN
information page.

As before, NAV will automatically collect the usage category of VLANs/subnets
based on the NTNU router port description convention, if this is employed.
Now, prefixes can be tagged with additional usage categories manually, through
the new prefix information page.

Valid usage categories are, as before, editable through SeedDB

Link aggregation support

Information about any type of aggregated link discoverable through the
``IEEE8023-LAG-MIB`` (LACP) is collected and stored in NAV.

A new event type, ``aggregateLinkState``, with the accompanying
``linkDegraded`` and ``linkRestored`` alerts has been introduced. If link is
lost on an interface known to be part of such an aggregate it will cause NAV to
generate a ``linkDegraded`` alert for the aggregated interface.

Aggregation status of ports is also displayed in each port's details page.

Multi- and fullscreen dashboards

Users can now have multiple named dashboards. A default dashboard can be
selected, which will be the first dashboard loaded when browsing the NAV front
page. Any "add graph to dashboard"-type button in NAV will add widgets to your
default dashboard, and widgets can easily be moved between dashboards.

A new "Compact dashboard" mode maximizes your screen real estate, by scaling
down the content and removing the spacing between widgets, while a new
fullscreen mode takes your dashboard and browser into full screen mode, using
the browser fullscreen API.

Each dashboard is individually configured using the dashboard menu to the
right. This enables you, for instance, to have a different number of columns
for each dashboard.

New dashboard widgets

New dashboard widgets are introduced:

  This widget can monitor binary sensor values or arbitrary Graphite metrics
  of a an otherwise boolean nature, to be used as an alert indicator. UNINETT's
  use-case for this is showing the status of the server room physical security
  system on the NOC screens.

PDU load
  A very specific plugin to display the power load status of APC power
  distribution units (these are the only PDU units currently known to be
  supported by NAV) on a room-by-room basis. UNINETT's use-case for this is
  planning rack placements based on power consumption.

UPS status
  A graphical widget to display the inputs, outputs and status of any
  NAV-supported UPS.

Rooms with active alerts
  A version of the status widget that aggregates and summarizes alerts by

Hierarchical locations

Hierarchies of locations can now be defined. SeedDB will now present locations
as a tree of entries, and parent locations can be selected from a dropdown
when adding a new location.

Selecting a location for a maintenance task, will implicitly include its full
sub-hierarchy of locations, as will filtering on locations in the status tool.

Location hierarchies are not yet respected by alert profiles and the Netmap.

Please note that the bulk import format for locations has changed to include the
parent location as the second field. Both the ``parent`` and the ``description``
fields are now optional. This makes it consistent with how organizations are

Business reports

A new "Business reports" tool was added. This tool is meant for more complex
reports than the pure SQL tabular reports NAV already sports. Each report must
be implemented as Python code.

Currently, two reports are implemented: A monthly device availability report
(with selectable months), and a monthly link availability report (with
selectable months). Both reports are based on NAV's alert history.

Juniper EX switch series workaround

If you have Juniper EX switches, you may be interested in the new
``juniperdot1q`` :program:`ipdevpoll` plugin, as a replacement for the regular
``dot1q`` plugin.

Juniper's implementation of ``Q-BRIDGE-MIB`` (the main MIB module used to
retrieve information about 802.1Q VLAN configuration) has multiple bugs,
several of which Juniper will not admit are bugs. The main issue for any NMS
using this MIB to get VLAN information is that parts of their implementation
uses opaque, internal VLAN IDs instead of public VLAN tags.

You may already have seen that the VLANs NAV has discovered on your EX
switches seem wrong. This is due to that implementation bug. The
``juniperdot1q`` plugin will use a Juniper proprietary MIB, if supported by
the device, to translate internal VLAN ids to public VLAN tags.

This functionality was implemented as a separate plugin, due to the pernicious
nature of the Juniper bugs. If you wish to test the plugin, simple replace the
reference to the ``dot1q`` plugin with ``juniperdot1q`` in the
:file:`ipdevpoll.conf` section ``[job_inventory]``.

navuser command line

A new command line program, :program:`navuser`, has been introduced. This
program provides some simple means of manipulating NAV (web) accounts from the
command line, which can be useful from a configuration management perspective.


View the full changelog

Version 4.6.0
(released 01 Dec 2016)

 User-visible features and improvements:

  * LP#1248086 (alert on loss of redundancy in an aggregated (portchannel) link)
  * LP#1531850 (more flexible system for location of equipment)
  * LP#1634874 (choose columns in status widget)
  * LP#1646405 (Improve functions for IP Address Management [IPAM])
  * LP#1646408 (prefix details page)
  * LP#1646411 (Collect and store static routes)
  * LP#1646413 (Work around buggy Q-BRIDGE-MIB implementation in Juniper EX
  * LP#1646416 (Add a command line program to manipulate NAV users)

  Please read the release notes for more information about the new features.


  * LP#1626856 (ipdevpoll inventory job crashes if a device reports multiple
                modules with the same name)
  * LP#1629823 (prefix usage api endpoint lists empty results)
  * LP#1630506 (Arnold detention crashes when switch reports SNMP agent error)
  * LP#1634903 (LLDP topology bug when two devices share the same initial
  * LP#1638568 (Incomplete topology information causes eventengine to post
                boxShadow alerts instead of boxDown alerts)
  * LP#1640714 (Erroneous interpretation of LLDP-MIB port numbers may cause
                wrong topology to be detected)
  * LP#1641522 (Chart Widget unresponsive)

0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1640714 #1640714 Erroneous interpretation of LLDP-MIB port numbers may cause wrong topology to be detected 3 High Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1626856 #1626856 ipdevpoll inventory job crashes if a device reports multiple modules with the same name 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1629823 #1629823 prefix usage api endpoint lists empty results 4 Medium John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1634903 #1634903 LLDP topology bug when two devices share the same initial sysname 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1638568 #1638568 Incomplete topology information causes eventengine to post boxShadow alerts instead of boxDown alerts 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1641522 #1641522 Chart Widget unresponsive 4 Medium John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1630506 #1630506 Arnold detention crashes when switch reports SNMP agent error 5 Low Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1248086 #1248086 alert on loss of redundancy in an aggregated (portchannel) link 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1531850 #1531850 more flexible system for location of equipment 6 Wishlist John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1567943 #1567943 multiple dashboards 6 Wishlist John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1646405 #1646405 Improve functions for IP Address Management [IPAM] 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
1646408 #1646408 prefix details page 6 Wishlist John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1646411 #1646411 Collect and store static routes 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1646413 #1646413 Work around buggy Q-BRIDGE-MIB implementation in Juniper EX switches 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1646416 #1646416 Add a command line program to manipulate NAV users 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1646425 #1646425 prefix tags 6 Wishlist John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
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