Registered by Daniele Salvatore Albano

NemesiCMS - An innovative Content Managment System

NemesiCMS is an advanced Content Management System that tries to put together the best features of CMS known as Drupal, TYPOlight, Wordpress, Textpattern, etc..

It supports application caching system (trought eAccelerator, APC, memcache, xcache and more), multi-site functionalities, faster theme engine, mvc and orm compliant and much more.

It's written in PHP and uses OOP and advanced PHP5 functionalities.

The code will be released under New BSD License, that is quite liberal: i hope that this project will be used too for commercial purposes and this license will let to encode source code.

Just don't abuse of open source code :)

Project information

Daniele Salvatore Albano
Not yet selected
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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