Registered by Igor D.C.

OpenStack Neutron backend for Intel® Omni-Path Architecture (Intel® OPA)

Intel® Omni-Path Architecture (Intel® OPA) Driving Exascale Computing and HPC

The size and compute capacity of high performance computing (HPC) clusters continues to grow at a breakneck pace, with the realization of Exascale computing firmly within our grasp in the next few years. However, the obstacles to Exascale are daunting—CPU performance, power efficiency, reliability, memory, and storage are just a few. Intel is continuing to break down these barriers through its technological advances.

The networking-omnipath project provides a Neutron ML2 mechanism driver capable of talking to Intel® Omni-Path Architecture hardware switches to materialize Neutron API requests.

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Igor D.C.
Igor D.C.
Apache Licence

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