Comment 2 for bug 1085534

Revision history for this message
Akihiro Motoki (amotoki) wrote :

I wonder why this command requires the privilege.
ip_lib.device_exists() in ovs_agent tried to execute a command like "ip link show <bridge_name>".
In usual case this command does not require the privilege to run this command.
Can't you execute 'ip link show <bridge_name> without the privilege in your env?

Even if I specified the wrong root_wrapper is passed to device_exists(), this command returned the expected behavior.
(note that br-int exists and br-int2 does not exist in my env)

In [1]: import quantum.agent.linux.ip_lib as ip_lib

In [2]: ip_lib.device_exists('br-int', 'sudo')
Out[2]: True

In [3]: ip_lib.device_exists('br-int2', 'sudo')
Out[3]: False

In [4]: ip_lib.device_exists('br-int2', 'sudo2')
Out[4]: False

In [5]: ip_lib.device_exists('br-int', 'sudo2')
Out[5]: True