Comment 7 for bug 608772

Revision history for this message
Jay Pipes (jaypipes) wrote :

Anyway, a completely unmodified bin/nova-dhcpbridge gives errors in a clean branch:

jpipes@serialcoder:~/repos/nova/bug608772$ TESTING=1 ./bin/nova-dhcpbridge add fake serialcoder
warning: no vendor libraries included
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bin/nova-dhcpbridge", line 94, in <module>
  File "./bin/nova-dhcpbridge", line 71, in main
    flagfile = os.environ.get('FLAGFILE', FLAGS.dhcpbridge_flagfile)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/", line 810, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: dhcpbridge_flagfile

So, something is getting messed up in this file...I can run things like bin/nova-manage network restart (which also accesses just fine:

jpipes@serialcoder:~/repos/nova/bug608772$ ./bin/nova-manage network restart
warning: no vendor libraries included

Not sure where those "no vendor libraries included" is coming from though...perhaps that is the issue?