Registered by Jose F Nieves

Npstats is a system designed to collect data from a number of devices from a number of sites, and send the data to a remote central server for analysis, display and archival. It was built to monitor the NOAAPort signal and the performance of Nbsp servers, but its design allows it to be used for monitoring any device that can send data to a computer.

Npstats is a system for monitoring the NOAAPort signal with respect to signal levels and quality, performance characteristics of the receivers, and software processing systems such as Nbsp and Npemwin. The Npstats binary packages are pre-configured to support out-of-the-box the Novra-S300 and the Ayecka-SR1 receivers. The support for the SR1 was added in version 0.6.

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Simplified BSD Licence

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C, Tcl

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