NUnit Extended Testing Platform 2.9.6

Milestone information

NUnit Extended Testing Platform


Assigned to you:
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75 Charlie Poole
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75 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 75 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
655882 #655882 Make CategoryAttribute inherited NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
664081 #664081 Add Server2008 R2 and Windows 7 to PlatformAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
691129 #691129 Add Category parameter to TestFixture NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
735851 #735851 Add detection of 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 frameworks to PlatformAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
766749 #766749 net-2.0\nunit-console-x86.exe.config should have a <startup /> element and also enable loadFromRemoteSources NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
885277 #885277 Exception when project calls for a runtime using only 2 digits NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1223294 #1223294 System.NullReferenceException thrown when ExpectedExceptionAttribute is used in a static class NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
463470 #463470 We should encapsulate references to pre-2.0 collections NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
501784 #501784 Theory tests do not work correctly when using null parameters NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
541699 #541699 Feature: Silverlight Support NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
611938 #611938 Generic Test Instances disappear NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
676560 #676560 Assert.AreEqual does not support IEquatable<T> NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
708173 #708173 NUnit's logic for comparing arrays - use Comparer<T[]> if it is provided. NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
709062 #709062 "System.ArgumentException : Cannot compare" when the element is a list NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
719187 #719187 Using Path.GetTempPath() causes conflicts in shared temporary folders NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
736062 #736062 Deadlock when EventListener performs a Trace call + EventPump synchronisation NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
756843 #756843 Failing assertion does not show non-linear tolerance mode NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
785460 #785460 Add Category parameter to TestCaseSourceAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
787106 #787106 EqualConstraint provides inadequate failure information for IEnumerables NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
848713 #848713 Feature request: Add switch for console to break on any test case error NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
882137 #882137 When no tests are run, higher level suites display as Inconclusive NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
882517 #882517 NUnit 2.5.10 doesn't recognize TestFixture if there are only TestCaseSource inside NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
885173 #885173 Tests are still executed after cancellation by user NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
885604 #885604 Feature request: Explicit named parameter to TestCaseAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
890129 #890129 DelayedConstraint doesn't appear to poll properties of objects NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
892844 #892844 Not using Mono 4.0 profile under Windows NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
896973 #896973 Console output lines are run together under Linux NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
898192 #898192 Feature Request: Is.Negative, Is.Positive NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
898256 #898256 IEnumerable<T> for Datapoints doesn't work NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
899178 #899178 Wrong failure message for parameterized tests that expect exceptions NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
904841 #904841 After exiting for timeout the teardown method is not executed NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
908829 #908829 TestCase attribute does not play well with variadic test functions NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
922455 #922455 Add Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server to PlatformAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
928246 #928246 Use assembly.Location instead of assembly.CodeBase NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
958766 #958766 For development work under TeamCity, we need to support nunit2 formatted output under direct-runner NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1028188 #1028188 Add Support for Silverlight NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1029785 #1029785 Test loaded from remote folder failed to run with exception System.IODirectory Not Found . NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1057981 #1057981 C#5 async tests are not supported NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1060631 #1060631 Add .NET 4.5 build NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1064014 #1064014 Simple async tests should not return Task<T> NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1071164 #1071164 Support async methods in usage scenarios of Throws constraints NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1071343 #1071343 Runner.Load fails on CF if the test assembly contains a generic method NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1071861 #1071861 Error in Path Constraints NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1072379 #1072379 Report test execution time at a higher resolution NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1074568 #1074568 Assert/Assume should support an async method for the ActualValueDelegate NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1221712 #1221712 When non-existing test method is specified in -test, result is still "Tests run: 1, Passed: 1" NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1222148 #1222148 /framework switch does not recognize net-4.5 NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1225542 #1225542 Standardize commandline options for test harness NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1228979 #1228979 Theories with all test cases inconclusive are not reported as failures NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
531873 #531873 Feature: Extraction of unit tests from NUnit test asembly and calling appropriate one NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
611325 #611325 Allow Teardown to detect if last test failed NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
671432 #671432 Upgrade NAnt to Latest Release NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
697069 #697069 Feature request: dynamic location for TestResult.xml NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
712156 #712156 Tests cannot use AppDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
719184 #719184 Platformdependency in src/ClientUtilities/util/Services/DomainManager.cs:40 NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
770471 #770471 Assert.IsEmpty does not support IEnumerable NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
792466 #792466 TestContext MethodName NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
794115 #794115 HashSet incorrectly reported NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
800089 #800089 Assert.Throws() hides details of inner AssertionException NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
878376 #878376 Add 'Exactly(n)' to the NUnit constraint syntax NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
893919 #893919 DelayedConstraint fails polling properties on references which are initially null NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1000181 #1000181 Parameterized TestFixture with System.Type as constructor arguments fails NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1000213 #1000213 Inconclusive message Not in report output NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1037144 #1037144 Add MonoTouch support to PlatformAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1041365 #1041365 Add MaxOsX and Xbox support to platform attribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1082330 #1082330 Better Exception if SetCulture attribute is applied multiple times NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1172979 #1172979 Add Category Support to nunitlite Runner NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1203361 #1203361 Randomizer uniqueness tests sometimes fail NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
498690 #498690 Assert.That() doesn't like properties with scoped setters NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
897289 #897289 Is.Empty constraint has unclear failure message NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
910218 #910218 NUnit should add a trailing separator to the ApplicationBase NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
920472 #920472 CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty must dispose Enumerator NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1023084 #1023084 Add Enum support to RandomAttribute NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 6 Wishlist Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1111834 #1111834 Expose Random Object as part of the test context NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 6 Wishlist Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1111838 #1111838 Include Random Seed in Test Report NUnit Framework NUnit Framework 6 Wishlist Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released

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