Registered by Numérigraphe

The goal of this project is to provide and maintain official nomenclatures (for example the EU's NACE list of business activities) in OpenERP.

This project is merged into the OpenERP-data, which has a wider scope and includes all sorts of data files.

Official nomenclatures are lists of categories published by official bodies in specific countries.
They give a common reference for statistics regarding company activities, social positions, job titles or many other concepts. For example, the European Union published a nomenclature of business activities called NACE to help categorize companies.
They are often useful to the business world too in CRM, marketing and business intelligence.
The goal of this project is to provide and maintain as many of these nomenclatures as possible in OpenERP.

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GNU Affero GPL v3

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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OpenERP-nomenclatures does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.
