openWNS-Paper received Best Paper Award at SIMUTools 2010

Written for openWNS by Sebastian Max on 2010-04-01

The programme committee of this year's SIMUTools 2010 - the 3rd Intl.
ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques - decided to award
the best paper award to our paper entitled "Evaluation of IMT-Advanced
Scenarios using the open Wireless Network Simulator."

The paper contains an all-in-one overview of the openWNS, the FUN
framework, how the FUN is applied to implement the WiFiMAC and how the
simulator is used to evaluate IMT-Advanced scenarios.

The paper can be downloaded here:

If you are publishing results generated with the WiFiMAC, please cite
this paper (Bibtex entry is available at the mentioned URL). If you are
publishing results generated with the openWNS, but not the WiFiMAC,
please cite any of our papers.

Your openWNS developers team.

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