Registered by openWNS Administration
A simulation platform for wireless and multi-cellular mobile communication systems.

The project aims to develop an open source system level simulation platform (openWNS) for performance evaluation and comparison of wireless and multi-cellular mobile communication systems. The simulation platform will offer close-to-emulation implementation of the respective protocol stack, including implementations of detailed interference modeling in reference scenarios, mobility models, traffic load generators, statistical evaluation methods and detailed channel models.

openWNS uses a plugin architecture to allow developers to extend the simulator to their specific needs. Each official plugin is managed by its own project in launchpad. The openwns.sdk provides a framework to help developers work on multiple projects concurrently.

Source code is now available at launchpad. Download the openwns-sdk at or see the installation tutorial at

openWNS is now also available as a bootable USB stick image. If you want to quickly check out the simulator go to and follow the instructions.

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Project group information

openWNS Administration
ComNets, RWTH Aachen, University
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