openWNS Summer School 27. - 29.09.2010

Written for openWNS by Maciej Muehleisen on 2010-06-17

from September 27th until September 29th

at the facilities of ComNets Research Group

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Walke

RWTH Aachen University.

=== THEME ===

Besides field testing and mathematical analysis, simulation has become a key method in many research areas, including communication networks. Multiple simulation tools exist with different degrees of detail. System level network simulators aim to evaluate the performance of communication technologies in realistic multi-cellular system deployments. The Open Source Wireless Network Simulator (openWNS) is a system level simulator developed especially to analyze and improve wireless networks. It has been developed by the ComNets Research Group, which has almost 20 years of experience with wireless network modelling and simulation. The simulator has been published as open source under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) allowing non-profit as well as commercial use of it for everybody who is interested.


The first ComNets openWNS Summer School is intended to bring people using openWNS together to exchange knowledge, share their experience and discuss problems. This way we hope to form a vivid network of openWNS developers willing to support each others work in an overall open source project. Tutorials will be held to introduce new, advanced functionalities of the simulator, including the IMT-Advanced Evaluation framework.

The event is intended for people already using openWNS, including those with a high level of experience and those that have just started work on this tool. Participants should have a long-term interest in further using the simulator. People who have not yet used the simulator have the opportunity to complete beginners tutorials available ( before attending the event.

=== TOPICS ===

The following topics will be covered during the event. The actual weighting of the topics depend on the wishes and research interests of the participants:

 * The openWNS tool chain: develop, test & validate, simulate, gather results
 * The system independent IMT-Advanced Evaluation framework
 * IMT-Advanced candidate system simulator modules LTE and IEEE 802.16m WiMAX
 * Capabilities and setup of the probing system
 * The Functional Unit concept
 * The development cycle of the open source project

The event will include presentations, discussions and hands-on tutorials on the topics.


Participants are encouraged to share their experiences with the simulator. Presentations of approximately 15 min. duration are welcome. Please contact us if you wish to give a presentation.

=== LOCATION ===

The event takes place at the facilities of the ComNets Research Group at RWTH Aachen University. Address: Bernhard-Walke-Haus; Kopernikusstr. 5; 52074 Aachen, Germany. Please refer to our homepage for directions.


Prospective participants should apply by email to before July 31, 2010. Participation is free of charge but does not include room and board. As an extra all participants receive an exclusive pre-release version of the currently unpublished LTE simulator module. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 20. If we receive more applications, participants will be selected based on their work area and background, geographic distribution, and date of application. Acceptance notifications will be sent by August 15.

=== CONTACT ===

Maciej Muehleisen mue@comnets.rwth-aachen

Daniel Bueltmann

Sebastian Max

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