Registered by Daniel Bültmann

The openWNS WiFiMAC module implements a model to simulate IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks.

The WiFiMAC module consists of three different logical entities:

a) A physical layer model that can be used to simulate the transmission of frames over 20/40MHz-wide wireless channels, including
  * A SINR-based packet errors dependent on modulation, coding and frame length.
  * Capture effect
  * Conversion of pre -> post-SINR conversion to simulate MIMO gain
  * Channel state detection with virtual and physical carrier sensing

b) A MAC layer that implements the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) plus
  * SINR- and ARQ-based rate adaptation with MIMO support
  * Block acknowledgement
  * Frame aggregation (A-MPDU)
  * Transmission opportunities

c) A Path selection layer for the emulation of IEEE 802.11s-based Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs).

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