OpenQuake Engine 1.2.0

Milestone information

OpenQuake Engine
Daniele Viganò
Release registered:
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3 Daniele Viganò, 7 Lars Butler, 4 Matteo Nastasi, 182 Michele Simionato, 18 matley
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
214 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 214 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1182526 #1182526 Validate that time_event match the current exposure 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1198261 #1198261 Refactoring: move risk calculation logic to risklib 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1199243 #1199243 Complex test scenario raises some problems 2 Critical Matteo Nastasi  10 Fix Released
1205623 #1205623 Compute ground motion values on the fly for risk event based calculations 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1213125 #1213125 Error in risk event based - axes don't match 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1214811 #1214811 Override django CharField 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1214813 #1214813 Handle supervision in oq-engine-server 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1214828 #1214828 Handle/report job failures in oq-engine-server 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1216867 #1216867 Standard deviation of losses in risk event based calculator 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1223362 #1223362 Pay attention to the ORDER BY rupture_id 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1227502 #1227502 Prevent OqJob and Hazard/Risk Calculation reference key inconsistencies 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1229165 #1229165 Support any defined Magnitude Scaling Relationship class 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1230100 #1230100 Test fixtures as cache 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1244648 #1244648 Job revocation (CTRL-C) will stop also other jobs 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1245426 #1245426 Allow the user to override the investigation time used in risk calculation 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1245513 #1245513 Disaggregation matrix elements in risk event based are always equal to zero 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1246379 #1246379 Simplify database schema 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1247665 #1247665 Dump/Restore stochastic event set 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1250022 #1250022 We miss a test/demo where the option --hazard-output-id is exercised 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1250402 #1250402 [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address 2 Critical Daniele Viganò  10 Fix Released
1254022 #1254022 Remove validation on site model 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1254632 #1254632 Allow multiple platform to be connected with engine-server 2 Critical matley  10 Fix Released
1255032 #1255032 symlinks in doc directory broke ubuntu packaging installation 2 Critical Matteo Nastasi  10 Fix Released
1279247 #1279247 Disaggregation calculator: improve the performance 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1288651 #1288651 rabbitmq works as a mad when several jobs run at the same time 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1292606 #1292606 Jobs are not stopped by a celery kill 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1310726 #1310726 Engine server doesn't work with signal catcher 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1318911 #1318911 Classical PSHA: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1320115 #1320115 scenario_damange calculator: investigate some strange broadcasting errors 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1320904 #1320904 The number of realizations generated by the engine is not right 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1324086 #1324086 The event based risk calculator produces duplicated aggregate loss curves in the case of multiple realizations 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1328848 #1328848 Ordering error in the GSIM logic tree 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1329654 #1329654 A typo in the hazard getters caused them to retrieve incorrect GMF data from the database 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1329674 #1329674 The event based hazard calculator relies on the ordering of a Python dictionary 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1334524 #1334524 AttributeError: 'Point' object has no attribute 'depth' in Scenario calculator 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1338446 #1338446 Add a view on the event_loss table displaying the right rupture ID 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1352200 #1352200 Ordering issue in risk disaggregation 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1371639 #1371639 Remove the hazard_calculation table 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1375788 #1375788 Imported GMFs cannot be re-exported 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1381932 #1381932 engine-server: the calculate tab does not work 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1383291 #1383291 Save and export event loss data for specific assets 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1384152 #1384152 import_gmf_scenario: it must be possible to import files with multiple IMTs 2 Critical Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1171370 #1171370 Unexpected results when sites in hazard EB calculation are not ordered 3 High matley  10 Fix Released
1180274 #1180274 Disaggregation Failure GEM Cluster 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1189397 #1189397 Remove the complete_logic_tree functionality 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1189746 #1189746 Warn the user if she asks for statistical outputs but using a single hazard output 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1197737 #1197737 Risk demo fails (and does not detect it) 3 High Matteo Nastasi  10 Fix Released
1198843 #1198843 Add support to export loss maps to GeoJSON 3 High Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1199654 #1199654 Add support to export hazard maps to GeoJSON 3 High Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1202259 #1202259 Update export interface to accept file-like objects (not just paths) 3 High Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1202290 #1202290 hazard_curve_multi objects are not written to the correct file on export 3 High Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1204955 #1204955 Refactor the export implementation to more cleanly support multiple export formats 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1218757 #1218757 Sometimes the source model files are too big to fit in postgres 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1221112 #1221112 oq-engine-server: Allow jobs to run by uploading a zip of input files 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1221116 #1221116 If there is an unexpected exception in a celery task, the tests on Jenkins hang 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1221238 #1221238 Add option to the dump/restore procedures to work with directories, not tar files 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1224537 #1224537 Improve the hazard calculation and result import mechanism 3 High matley  10 Fix Released
1225287 #1225287 Remove the dependency from the blocksize in the hazard calculators 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1225288 #1225288 Fix the qatest_1 (in risk/event based) to not check the rupture ids, but the rupture tags 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1226061 #1226061 QA Test for Classical PSHA with multiple sites 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1226102 #1226102 QA Test for z1pt0 and z2pt5 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1239529 #1239529 job_stats.num_task is not enough 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1239773 #1239773 Many classical computations are totally dominated by the database: all the time is spent in saving the hazard curves, not in calculating them 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1239897 #1239897 Use the "parallelize" distribution on the risk calculators 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1240046 #1240046 Use the "parallelize" distribution on the classical calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1243025 #1243025 The engine should report the disk space utilised by a calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1245747 #1245747 Improve the "parallelize" distribution mechanism 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1246596 #1246596 Filter the sources properly 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248173 #1248173 The table parsed_rupture_model can be removed 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248237 #1248237 The event based calculator should generate ses_collections only according to the source_model logictree, not the GMPE logic tree 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248412 #1248412 Improve the revoke functionality 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248584 #1248584 Make dump-hazard-calculation generate gzipped files 3 High matley  10 Fix Released
1248801 #1248801 Reduce the number of connections used by the engine 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248803 #1248803 Reduce the number of postgres users needed by the engine 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1248911 #1248911 The CacheImporter relies on the ordering of the field in the Django model 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1249538 #1249538 Use the "parallelize" distribution in the disaggregation calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1250874 #1250874 Experiment with the idea of removing celery from the engine server 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1252761 #1252761 Replace 'Poissonian' hazard curve calculator with 'Generalized' hazard curve calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1252770 #1252770 Use log-log interpolation for hazard map and disaggregation calculations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1256471 #1256471 Rewrite the classical calculator as a map-reduce job 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1260652 #1260652 Split area sources into point source to improve parallelization 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1260658 #1260658 Prefiltering sources in all calculators 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1262473 #1262473 In the event based calculator split by ruptures, not by SES 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1262698 #1262698 Refactor and its tests 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1266641 #1266641 Remove the duplicate entries in hzrdr.ses_rupture 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1267126 #1267126 --load-gmf is working but the risk calculator is unable to find the data 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1268070 #1268070 Remove block_size and point_source_block_size 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1269245 #1269245 Hannover RE has an issue in the risk calculation of the South East Asia 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1271561 #1271561 Distribute large sources by magnitude bin 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1274062 #1274062 Add command-line switches to export all hazard outputs and all risk outputs with a single command 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1274838 #1274838 Investigate if it is possible to migrate an openquake 1.0 database and how long it takes 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1276441 #1276441 The engine should report to the user not only the error message, but also the traceback 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1277354 #1277354 Remove the ruptures as pickled objects from the engine database 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1284545 #1284545 engine server: add tests running real computations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1284681 #1284681 engine server: merge the engine server repository into the engine server repository 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1287228 #1287228 Improve the validation of job_risk.ini 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1287230 #1287230 Exporting loss curves from an event based risk calculation does not work 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1288027 #1288027 Implement a proper relational model for logic tree realizations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1288262 #1288262 Computations with a site_model.xml may become slow 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1288663 #1288663 Risk calculators may be dominated by the asset<->site association queries 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1292027 #1292027 Remove the obsolete table cnode_stats 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1292093 #1292093 Hazard map calculation: set iml = 0 if all poes are zero 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1294566 #1294566 Rewrite the upgrade procedure to be transactional 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1294601 #1294601 Move into nrmllib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1295588 #1295588 The site_collection consumes more memory than needed if there is no site model 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1297086 #1297086 Manual pickling/unpickling 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1297289 #1297289 utils_config_test only runs from the top-level openquake directory 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1297296 #1297296 The rupture tag must be unique in a given source model 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1298911 #1298911 python-oq-engine postinst executed before rabbitmq-server setup 3 High Daniele Viganò  10 Fix Released
1300766 #1300766 Improve the performance of the event based calculator for a large number of SES 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1303647 #1303647 Make the master_seed mandatory in the risk calculations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1305965 #1305965 Refactor and simplify risklib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1307913 #1307913 The engine should log a warning when it is going out of memory 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309371 #1309371 Stop early a risk calculation with correlation if it will go out of memory 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309373 #1309373 Special case the risk calculators for correlation=0 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309378 #1309378 Add a test checking the block size independence in the risk calculators 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309457 #1309457 Tasks could be submitted continuously while filtering the sources 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309514 #1309514 SystemError in FMGlobal calculation 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1309575 #1309575 Make a special case for the situation when the hazard is known at the exact location of the sites 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1312020 #1312020 Avoid enumerating all source model when performing LT Monte Carlo sampling 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1312071 #1312071 Identical gmfSet are replicated in event based calculations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1314016 #1314016 Optimize the case when different realizations share the same GMPE 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1316061 #1316061 CeleryNodeMonitor: it should not keep the computation alive for 30 seconds after it is finished 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1316085 #1316085 Error reporting for invalid hazard job.ini files 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1317149 #1317149 Optimize classical PSHA calculations with GMPE logic tree with multiple tectonic regions 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1317793 #1317793 Reduce memory consumption in the controller node for large classical calculations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1319248 #1319248 Add an option to export only the mean curves 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1320246 #1320246 num_sites is not saved in the table job_stats 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1321533 #1321533 Event based: GMF generation must be moved in the post_execute phase 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1321544 #1321544 It is impossible to export the GMFs, even for few sites, if the number of stochastics set is large (say 10,000) 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1321681 #1321681 Make it possible to compute the GMFs directly from the ruptures stored in the database 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1324774 #1324774 Optimize gmf_to_hazard_curve_task 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1327027 #1327027 Warn the user when using sampling is less effective than using full enumeration 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1327097 #1327097 The ordering in which the tectonic region types are being sent must be fixed 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1327475 #1327475 Empty Stochastic Event Sets should not be exported 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1327696 #1327696 The users should not see the SES generated by the scenario calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1330446 #1330446 Better error message when a correlation model is used with a bad GMPE 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1331463 #1331463 Add a celery-independent parallelisation library in commonlib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1332014 #1332014 Move risk.loaders from the engine into commonlib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1333246 #1333246 The number of generated tasks should not depend on the number of sites 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1334068 #1334068 Add a source_info table 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1334069 #1334069 Add a regression QA test for num_sampling > 1 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1334698 #1334698 Display a warning when no tasks are spawned 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1334997 #1334997 Add a test for the files in the QA tests 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1336756 #1336756 Restore distribution-by-rupture in the event based calculator 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1338011 #1338011 Enable sampling of the epsilon matrix 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1339712 #1339712 Split openquake.cfg and openquake_worker.cfg 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1344045 #1344045 Engine tries to compute quantiles using only one realisation 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1352372 #1352372 The ordering of the sources should be fixed 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1352851 #1352851 Filter the sources in parallel, so that we can remove source_max_weight parameter 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1353807 #1353807 Tune the weight of sources 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1358228 #1358228 Compute means and quantiles in memory 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1358621 #1358621 Check if a hazard calculation is too big before running it 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1359090 #1359090 The upgrade procedure should not invoke oq_create_db 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1360538 #1360538 Make it possible to compute hazard curves from gmvs without storing the GMFs 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1361231 #1361231 oq_create_db does not need the directory where the scripts are 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1361533 #1361533 The loss curves in the scenario calculator are reproducible only by accident 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1361970 #1361970 Smart retrieval of the exposure in a risk calculation 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1362479 #1362479 Move the epsilons from the getters to the database 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1362639 #1362639 Add a check on the GSIM names when the logic tree file is parsed 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1362649 #1362649 Problem computing uh_spectra 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1362930 #1362930 openquake --what-if-I-upgrade 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1364418 #1364418 Add support for NonParametricSource 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1370380 #1370380 Move the calculation of input/output weights into commonlib and remove tools/ 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1371596 #1371596 Duplicated IMTs are a problem again 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1371602 #1371602 The IMTs must have a fixed ordering in the scenario calculator too 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1372817 #1372817 The parsers for vulnerability and fragility functions must be rewritten by following the new validation system 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1372833 #1372833 Remove obsolete tests and redundant tests 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1374298 #1374298 Remove the RiskCalculation class and table 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1376157 #1376157 Simplify the task distribution in the risk calculators 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1376298 #1376298 It would be nice to have the upgrade procedure to print the total time spent 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1379369 #1379369 Rename the openquake executable to oqengine 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1382554 #1382554 engine-server: bug when running risk calculations 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1389144 #1389144 The name of the exported SESCollection file contain the ordinal 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1389259 #1389259 Port the scenario hazard calculator (with its QA tests) into commonlib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1394894 #1394894 Move the management of logic tree realizations inside commonlib 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1394916 #1394916 UHS not output from classical PSHA output when random sampling used 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1396936 #1396936 Introduce a complex_fault_mesh_spacing parameter 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1398328 #1398328 The event loss table is not exported unless --exports=csv is given 3 High Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1168272 #1168272 Computation of loss fraction values is not reproducible 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1199852 #1199852 Clean up openquake.engine.engine API 4 Medium Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1215865 #1215865 Error installing oq-engine source code with pip 4 Medium Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1265365 #1265365 Master process is using a huge quantity of RAM 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1267333 #1267333 Move the engine tests inside openquake.tests 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1276055 #1276055 Check the consistency of tectonic region types between the gmpe_logic_tree file and the source model 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1282561 #1282561 OQ Engine should trap the SIGTERM 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1285715 #1285715 Use customized GEM packages during CI tests. 4 Medium Matteo Nastasi  10 Fix Released
1292604 #1292604 iterator_native is not reporting backend errors 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1324772 #1324772 The monitor thread should trap the AMQPChannelException 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1340768 #1340768 Unable to delete uncomplete hazard calculations 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1370400 #1370400 The maximum_distance parameter must be set for all hazard calculators 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1385088 #1385088 Improve the error message when the user sets the wrong calculation_mode 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1393826 #1393826 If the job.ini contains scenario instead of scenario_risk a mysterious error happens 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1397626 #1397626 The correlation_model must be a dictionary 4 Medium Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1207248 #1207248 Perform checks on the export directory before running the computation 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1221111 #1221111 oq-engine-server: Report also the timestamp for completed jobs 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1224816 #1224816 We need to set up a recurrent procedure publishing a report of the daily computations on the cluster 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1242618 #1242618 Optimize the running time of qa_tests/hazard/event_based/case_1 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1267425 #1267425 do we need the intensity_measure_types parameter? 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1320125 #1320125 Display a warning if the job.ini contains duplicated IMTs, ie. SA(0.1) and SA(0.10) 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1340182 #1340182 engine-server: add an API to retrieve the used engine version 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1352198 #1352198 Better error message in case of no sites because the region discretization is wrong 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1354281 #1354281 In some cases, the GSIMLogicTree class generates the wrong paths 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1363795 #1363795 --list-hazard-outputs and --list-risk-outputs should be unified 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1370312 #1370312 Ensure the independence of subpackages 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1373277 #1373277 The tests for the functionality what_if_I_upgrade should mock the urlopen call 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1376643 #1376643 If user X is making use of a hazard calculation generated by user Y, print a warning 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1392221 #1392221 test_is_readable_all_files_lack_permissions fails when run as root 5 Low Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1249759 #1249759 Add an option to log any job (for sysadmins) 6 Wishlist Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1171736 #1171736 When parsing an invalid XML file, the engine does not print out the name of the invalid file 1 Undecided Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1177319 #1177319 CI improvements: add source tests in lxc environment and concurrent builds 1 Undecided Daniele Viganò  10 Fix Released
1214301 #1214301 Error with parsing geometry from exposure_file 1 Undecided Lars Butler  10 Fix Released
1226958 #1226958 Hazard Curve calculations should partition work (sources) by tectonic region 1 Undecided Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
1269425 #1269425 Error when using PezeshkEtAl2011 GMPE 1 Undecided Michele Simionato  10 Fix Released
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