Registered by Jean-Baptiste Lallement

Otto manages LXC containers for functional testing of GUI applications on hardware.

Otto manages LXC containers for functional testing of GUI applications on hardware.
  - Physical devices (graphics card, sound and input devices) are shared between the host and the container, so the container as access to the capabilities of the host like video acceleration.
  - There is no provisioning, it is replaced by simply mounting a squashfs from an iso image.
  - Boot time of the container is a matter of seconds
  - It runs on any hardware where the kernel supports LXC and an overlay FS (aufs, overlayfs)
  - Runs are archived and can be replayed
  - A base image is used on top of the ISO that contains the updates since the release to avoid updating packages at every test.
  - Supports opensource and proprietary graphics drivers
  - Supports any type of testing framework and adding a testsuite is as straightforward as copying it and calling its runner.

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