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0.1 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Basic functionalities: basic passwords datase, AES encryption, FTP/SFTP push & retrieve, YAML configuration file, basic set of dictionaries (base64, ascii, diceware, etc).
Command Line Interface (CLI) as basic UI.


First beta version.
  * FTP and SFTP
  * CLI interface to the database including commands: retrieve, push, list, add, add_tag, remove_tag, remove, password, generate.
  * YAML and AES databases.
  * YAML configuration file.
  * Dictionaries included: diceware and diceware8k (de, en, fi, fr, it, nl, sv), latin alphabet, lowercase (nocase) latin alphabet, alphanumerical, base64 and ascii

File Description Downloads
download icon passman-0.1.tar.gz (md5) PassMAN 0.1 25
last downloaded 43 weeks ago
Total downloads: 25