Registered by Maëlick Claes

PassMAN is a password manager that aims to be secure without storing any passwords on disk. This is achieved by using a hash function over a set of informations and a master passphrase to generate a near unique password for each websites. It is similar to other softwares like oplop or SuperGenPass.

PassMAN stores a database containing for each site an entry with a name, a username, a nonce, a comment, a length or an entropy and some tags. The password is generated using a concatenation of the name, the username, the nonce and the master passphrase that keeps most of the secret. The comment is used as a memo to keep additional informations about the entry and the length/(bit) entropy is used to control the strength of the passwords. Tags are used to easily filter the list of entries.

While it doesn't contain any password, the resulting database can be encrypted using AES-256 or GnuPG (feature planned).

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Maëlick Claes
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Latest version is 0.1

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