Registered by Daniel Clem

Survive and thrive in an almost empty world.

This is meant to be a point and click game. But with hopes of breaking most people conceptions of that genre of game. I intend to implement an inventory, weapons and equipment, health, defending against animals or crazy strangers, and managing your hunger.

But all of this is going to be done in a "No Code" programming environment called Illumination Software Creator. If you wish to contribute to this project, please do so in edits to the ISC file that will be freely available, then contact me explaining and your changes so we can work together.

Project information

Daniel Clem
Not yet selected
GNU GPL v3, Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike

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View full history Series and milestones

0.0.1 series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Illumination Software Creator and Python

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