Registered by Jarl Christian Berentsen

Pidl is an Interface Description Language for gobject c-code with automatic language bindings.

The programmer mainly writes a .pidl file and writes .c files containing method implementations. Much gobject boilerplate is hidden.

Typically adding a new method is just adding the signature in the .pidl file, then implement just the c function doing the implementation.

Adding a new property to a (gobject) class is just a matter of adding the type to the pidl file. Thats it.

Adding a signal also only needs the definition.

Language bindings are automatically generated. (Currently for Python, C++ and C#)

The ratio of generated code to handwritten code is in the ballpark of 50 to 1.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, C, C++, C#

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