Registered by Stephen Compall

These are utilities in Scala for capturing prebuilt platform-specific binaries in Maven/Ivy packages via sbt, and extracting and executing them based on the current runtime platform. Also included are some tools for dealing with jar URIs.

We don't provide a way to actually execute binaries; the problem we're interested in solving is that of _finding_ a binary that can be executed. Executing is a completely different problem, and once you have a binary to execute, you can solve it well using commons-exec, the standard Java library, or one of several other such frameworks.

The `phantomjs' branch is a "real world" example of a build exploiting platform-executing. If you have an artifact built with this example, or a build like it, you can require it *and* the platform-executing library, giving you a database of native binaries and Scala functions to flexibly extract and invoke them.

See the README for basic documentation:

And for the sbt plugin:

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Stephen Compall
Stephen Compall
Apache Licence

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