Registered by Carlos Sánchez de La Lama

Portable Computing Language (pocl) aims to become an open source implementation of the OpenCL standard which can be easily adapted for new targets. One of the goals of the project is improving performance portability of OpenCL programs, avoiding the need for target-dependent manual optimizations. A "native" target is included, which allows running OpenCL kernels on the host (CPU).

NOTE: pocl development has moved to GitHub.

Project mailing list:
IRC channel: #pocl @

Project information

pocl maintaners
pocl maintaners
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C, OpenCL C, C++

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  • Move to git/github on 2014-05-21
    pocl switcehd to git, and therefore moved away from Launchpad. Find us at htt...
  • 0.7 released on 2013-01-09
    This release adds support for LLVM 3.2, generating the work group functions u...
  • Portable OpenCL (pocl) v0.6 released on 2012-08-17
    Even though the OpenCL 1.2 standard is not yet implemented fully and it conta...
  • 0.6rc5 on 2012-08-16
    RC5 uploaded. I really hope this is the final!
  • 0.6rc4 uploaded on 2012-08-08
    This will be released after some success reports in case no major new issues ...