Registered by Jasper Steenkamp

Powerbridge can be used to link networked computers in an rpc type of environment with room for plugin modules, daemons and also a built in web browser to make interfacing with the bridge simple. All code is pure python.

Development of powerbridge has been going on for a few years now.
Currently it is being used in the background for a lot of our remote applications.
We have also used powerbridge to link many different types of servers/applications together
which has helped my company to become proper systems integrator.

We have been using it to synchronize pretty much any type of data. I have also made a plugin
module which does deduplicated backups in python, *mostly* works ;)
Using the bridge I have also done file streaming, remote media player controls, remote system updates to pc's deep in the African bush etc.

So far it has been tested on Linux, Windows, Windows CE and lately my Nokia N97.
I have also run it under IronPython which enabled us to link a .Net application on a Windows server to our Linux application
without breaking a sweat or installing extra .Net services.

It used to support encryption out of the box (ezPyCrypto) but I removed it some time ago, I had some stability issues and
never got around to fixing them. I would love for somebody to help with a clean (not hard to set up) encryption layer.

I am hoping my baby will get a breath of life by being open source!

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Jasper Steenkamp
Not yet selected
Artistic Licence 2.0

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 1.0

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